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Im not sure if this is the place to put this question, I'm sure someone will move it if its in the wrong place.

I'm trying to find some information on a 1560 Sergeant Herbert Godley RAMC (TF).

Ive got his MIC (and 2 of his 3 medals), his listing in CWGC and SDGW and a photo of the Stony Stratford war memorial, hwere he commemorated.

I've noticed, on SDGW, that all the men listed as having enlisted in Stony Stratford were all in the RAMC (TF) but I can't seem to find any information as to where they would have signed up.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

Thank you.

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It looks like Stony had its own drill hall - see Dragon's website on Drill Halls - and there seems to be a RAMC Field Ambulance connected with the hall - might be your answer?

Either PM Dragon on the Forum or via her website - she may be able to add more info.



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The 2nd South Midland Mounted Field Ambulance had their headquarters at the "Cock" Inn in Stony Stratford.

As far as I am aware there was no purpose built drill hall in Stony Stratford so they may have used buildings connected with the Inn.



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Dear Brian and Steve,

Thank you!

I did do a search on the forum for Stony but couldn't find anything, I must have done the search wrong. Also, I couldn't find a mention of a drill hall or anything in Stony on the web but your pointers will help me no end.

My husband went to Stony yesterday and got some photos of the war memorial for me, as he is the photographer in the family this sort of thing is left to him as it keeps him happy.

Once again, thank you both very much.

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I may have some info on Herbert as I've done some research on the casualties listed on the Stony Straftford memorial. Unfortunately I'm at work at the moment so once I get home tonight I'll see what I have & post an update accordingly.

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Sorry for the delay in getting back. Some of this information you will already have from CWGC & SDGW but hopefully some of it will be new to you.

Sergeant Herbert Godley 1560 2nd/5th South Midland Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Killed in Action Sunday 23rd April 1916 age 29.

Commemorated on the Jerusalem Memorial Panel Reference 56.

Listed on the Stony Stratford Memorial

Born Marlybone, London 1887. Educated at Stony Stratford Church of England School. Worshipped at St Giles Parish Church Stony Stratford (memorial service held for him there after his death)

Prior to the war employed at the District Coroners Office & the Magistrates Clerks Office at the Stony Stratford Petty Sessional Division.

Known locally as a fine athlete.

First joined the army in October 1911 (assumed Territorial given unit he was serving with) enlisting in Stony Stratford. Went on active service in September 1914. At this time he held the rank of Corporal.

Sources - CWGC, SDGW, FreeBMD, 1901 Census, The Wolverton Express & Bucks Weekly News 2nd October 1914 edition, 5th May 1916 edition, 19th May 1916 edition, The Bucks Standard 13th May 1916 edition.

Hope this is of some use to you.......................PS say hello to Lee for me

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Ah Will, thank you so much for the extra info!

I'd got the bit about him being from London, and on the 1901 census he is listed as one of two orphans living with a widow and her 2 sons.

I really appreciated you help!

Lee has raised his head from cleaning his latest purchase, some Vietnam era Soviet pistol (more junk) and says "Is that the Dark Lord?".

I think I've got him back into the WW1 fold!

Thanks again Will.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest clodhopper

Hi Jean,

I came accross your blog as I was looking for info. on my father, Billy (William) Smith who was in the 2nd South Midland Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance in1913, He was a well known Footballer, Cricketer and Member of the church choir ( ST Giles I think.) So I strongly suspect that he knew Herbert fairly well.

Here is the first interesting thing for you. I think you said that Herbert was a corporal and I assume that he was with my dad a the summer camp in 1913 in Worthing.

I have a photograph the group at that camp and there is a corporal ( only the one) in it. Is this Herbert i wonder?

Some of the men had passed exams, 11 men I believe,and my dad was one of those, so due to the skills they had, were sent immediatly to France at the outbreake of hostilities, and were sent to various units in Flanders. My dad spent his 21st birthday at Hill 60 and I think he was attached to the Cavelry because I have another photograph of the 7th Cavelry Brigade football competition winners 1914/15/16. All posing in front of a typical French farmhouse,

Your man Herbert was kept back for the expansion of the unit and subsequently went to Egypt.

I have in my possession a sort of history of the Mounted Brigade Ffield Ambulance in Egypt written by two of the officers at the time, and having. seen your search info. I read through it.It describes the events leading to the honerable death of Herbert. For copies of the above email me at billentot@hotmail.com

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you, Terry, for the information and the post you sent. I'd forgotten all about my query as I've not been here for about 3 years, must try harder in future!

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