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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

3bn Grenadier guards


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Attached is a photo of my Grandfather who served in the 3bn Grenadiers.

He transfered back home to the 5bn Reserve in Jan 1918 before gaining his commission with the QRWS.

I suspect the photo was taken about then.

I was wanting to know if anybody knows what the circular patch on forearm might be and what the shoulder rope might signify.

Many Thanks


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Going by the blue Trench Motar Gunners 'Grenade' above his rank stripes I'd go for a 'Rangefinder' - the letter 'R' within a laurel wreath,


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I think the badge on his forearm is 'LG' Lewis Gunner, the Bomb is not TM as its clearly in two tones. The TM badge for OR's was all blue. Tones do not naturally reflect a Bombers Badge but this is my best guess.



Going by the blue Trench Motar Gunners 'Grenade' above his rank stripes I'd go for a 'Rangefinder' - the letter 'R' within a laurel wreath,


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Nobody has won the coconut!

All GG NCO wear the grenade in Service Dress as part of their rank badge.

The grenade is on both sleeves, and above chevrons. In this case, the man is a lance-corporal: all Guards LCpls wear two chevrons, are referred to as 'corporal', and all corporals wear three chevrons and are [uniquely since 1946] appointed lance-sergeants and referred to as 'sergeant'.

Guards fine detail is not for the fasint-hearted.

I agree with the LG worn above the good conduct badge and wound badge ..... the LG dates the photo as not earlier than 1917.

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Brilliant!! Thanks everyone for your Knowledge.

Thanks especially to Grumpy as you answered another question I had with reference to the stripes.

The Guards papers do indeed list him as a Lance Corporal and your knowledge of dates matches with my thoughts

as to when the photo was taken.

Does anybody have any idea as to the shoulder decoration?

G/father was one of the lucky ones surviving 2.5 years on the front line.

Thanks everyone!!

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The "braiding" on the left shoulder is a lanyard - issued to keep the clasp knife on the end of it in the top left hand pocket. Issued to all soldiers but not always worn as shown.

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The braid is probably nothing more than a bit of fancy work on the standard issue lanyard: this was to secure the standard - issue jack knife.

There is much that can be done to restore this potentially-splendid photograph, of course.

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You can just about make out the 3 vertical red bars, signifying 3rd Battn, on his arm between the shoulder title and the grenade.

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Well I never!!!!!

Many thanks Wainfleet for that one!!!

I had no idea there were any bars there. Wow!! so glad that I posted what a terrific site. Its really made my day!!

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