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Blighty Bridge

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Can someone please tell me the location of Blighty Bridge at Ypres (Great War). It is mentioned in the war diaries for my great uncle (11 MGC 26/27-07-19) but I have had no luck in finding where it was. I assume that it was a dangerous place to be, as presumably being there too long could get you a trip to Blighty. I have searched the forum and Googled for it to no avail.


I am also having trouble with Camp A22c7 and Canal Bank. My guess is that the camp was somewhere NE of ELVERDINGHEand by the route taken from CampA22... (ELVERDINGHE–- BREELAND {BRIELEN}) to Canal Bank it was possibly near Essex Farm.

  • 4 months later...

This may provide a starting point:

September 29th 1918

Left our dug outs and made the road good round by Spoil Bank, and Hill 60, and past Battle Wood, over Blighty Bridge, both yesterday and today have been wet through to the skin, the infantry have again advanced a great way in depth, at night we billeted in a sap in Spoil Bank.

The above was found on the link provided here.

Cheers Andy. :poppy:



A22c7 is a map grid reference. You could get a fix on this from:




Thanks for the replies chaps.

@River97. Yes, that's the only ref that I found via Google. I have found out where Spoil Bank, Hill 60, and Battle Wood are, but still no luck with Blighty Bridge.

@Sotonmate. Unfortunately I don't have the trench map that covers that map ref, but I'll have a good look at the website that you suggested. Thanks.



According to "Rats Alley" Blighty Bridge is on map 28SW4 Ploegteert T12a, Spoil Bank & Hill60 in the Zillebeke area.




Thanks for the research. Strange that BB is listed as near Plugstreet becaus the quote by River97 above indicates that it is 'near' Hill 60, and the 11 MGC war diaries of 27/7/16 state 'Positions and dugouts improved and strengthened. Two new indirect fire positions made near BLIGHTY BRIDGE.' when their HQ was at CANAL BANK which as far as I can establish is somewhere along the canal just north of Ypres, possibly near Essex Farm. They were somewhere south of Hooge and north of Hill 60 a bit later. 30/8/16 'Enemy gassed our trenches unsuccessfully on the right about Hill 60' with their HQ at Zillebeke Bund.


There is always the chance that "your" Blighty Bridge is as you say but the one I quoted is the only one I can find in Rats Alley.



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