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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Solferino Farm, Brielan September 1917

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I wonder whether any of you may be able to help a newbie. I am trying ascertain what was going on around Solferino Far, Brielan on 24th September 1917. I believe that the farm was a dressing station, that a railway was bringing shells from behind Ypres to a variety of 18 pounder and larger guns situated around the farm area which were supporting third Ypres. A relative was killed here on the 24th October 1917 and I am trying to ascertain what he was doing there. He was with a Labour Coy and was ex Kings Liverpool Rgt. I am wondering whether any other units in the area may have recorded casualties, shelling etc on that day and in that area?

Thanks. Tobin



There are no records specifically for 72 Labour Company on 24 October 1917.

At the time the Company was being used on road maintenance, loading/unloading ammo, rail, drainage and ditching and with 10 men at a Casualty Clearing Station.



I was actually there on 24th October (last week).

Tobin - you have 24th Sept and 24th October.

Preparations were being made for 2nd Passchendaele on 24 Oct and the German's heavily shelled rear areas.

Steve M



I thimk it should be 24 October as two ex-KLR men were killed that day whilst in 72 Compant, Labour Corps


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