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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Forthcoming trip


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Will be on the Somme for a few days to include Armistice. Am with my father in law on his first ever trip and will visit his Uncles grave at Ancre British cemetery (RND). Antone about?



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Will have just missed you as we leave on the 2nd.

Will get to have a beer one day.


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Definately. Nice to hear from you again. Why not try to come to the next Bham Pals get together? We are planning a Xmas beer and incorporating the German market. Will pm you nearer the date.



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Have a great trip mate,sorry i can't make it over this time but i'm sure you will enjoy taking your father in law over the battlefields for his first visit.Give my regards to Dom if you pop in for a beer.Will definetaly be going over at Easter next year,maybe we could tie up.Also give my regards to Brian as i'm sure you will bump into him.

Regards Bob.

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Would love to attend the next get together...........let me know when and i will be there.


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