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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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I found this photograph in my great aunt's stuff after she died. The only miliary person I know of in that part of my family was great, great uncle George Jones who was in the Rifle Brigade.

Could this be him?



I know absolutely nothing about uniforms but I can at least tell you that the cap badge isn't Rifle Brigade but is instead that of the Lincolnshire Regiment.




Ah, then I think I know who this gentleman is... Thanks!


after about 1907, certainly after 1902.

2 years good conduct badge.


I believe this picture is of Walter Rondeau who was born in 1890 and died in 1979. He was my great great uncle on my mother's side. He lived in Grimsby/Hull around then.

How can I get his military history?


He is on Ancestry.uk (is it your tree?) with a photo of him in uniform at his son's wedding but there are no records on that site for him at all. The photo shows WW1 medal ribbons so he went through WW1. That is definately him with the distinctive looks!

there is nothing on him in the National Archives but there are 2 other Rondeaus there who might be relatives.



It's my cousin's tree. The marriage is his daughter and my cousin is Walter's grandson.

He would never talk about WW1. Who can blame him?

The wonders of the internet, eh?


He has the 3 usual medals for WW1 but I suspect that his medal cards and records went up in smoke in 1940. If you knew which Bn he was in in WW1 then you might make a guess at where he was but the unifroms in the photo cannot tell you any more.

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