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Metal poppy badges?

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Hi guys :)

Does anyone know where I can get a metal poppy badge? I've looked on the Royal British Leigion Poppy Appeal website but I can't find anything..

If anyone has any ideas they would be greatly appreciated :).

Thanks in advance



A couple of branches of the RBL were selling them on Ebay last year.


I got one from the Military Odyssey this year from the RBL stand - What about your local British Legion



Hi Megan

PM sent

Regards Andy.


I haven't seen them before, but this year you can also buy wrist bands.

Mine says Poppy appeal 2009. We remember the Dead. We don't forget the living.

I bought it in the bookshop nearest the menin Gate in Ypres.

It is black, with white lettering, and two red poppies.

I think it was 4 euros.



Member HarryBettsMCDCM has just helped me with a RBL metal/enamel pin, try contacting him.



If you need the enamel poppy badges you need to contact Royal British Legion Industries Supply Line not the RBL. Unfortunately the web site is down at the moment but you can phone them on 01622 795900.

If you contact either HarryBetts or myself by PM we both have stocks of them. The usual rule applies in that we ask for a donation to the Poppy Appeal and not a specific price; though we hope you will be generous as all the money goes to the Appeal. One outlet that I have seen asks for £4.99 and donates £1.00 of that to the Appeal. If you contact me I would hope you will cover my postage costs plus a donation.




Ive got a bag full if anyone wants one as stated above suitable donation in favour of RBL Poppy Appeal;[to include P&P in a padded envelope] either PM or email me thank you HB

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