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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Identify Victory Medal Recipient


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Hi People

I have just been handed a Victory Medal which has been in the family for some 40 years or so, it is not a family medal and we don't know where it came from.

It is the Victory Medal.

It is inscribed, 124655 (we are unsure about the number 6) Pte P Mitchinson Labour Corps.

We don't think it was a family member, my Mum thinks it turned up at a jumble sale.

I can remember playing with this medal when I was a kid 40 years ago.

Can anybody assist?

Best regards

Adrian Martin, Staffordshire

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Hi Adrian

Peter Michinson is listed in the WW1 Medals Index. I will leave it to any expert who will supply information to you.


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Hi Adrian,

Here is his MIC. Looks like he also served in the Royal Army Medical Corps



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Looks like he was born about 1891 and comes from Sunderland. He married a Norah Clark in Oct 1916. Originally joined 3rd Lincolnshire Regiment before transferring to Labour Corps and was sent to France in May 1917.


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Hi Everybody.

Thanks for the help.

I don't know how a chap's medal from Sunderland ended up in Staffordshire but I think I will chase up those service records.

Its a shame his medals have been split up, the MIC shows both Victory and British War Medal. Thats not me being greedy, I just like to see the right medals being kept together in the original family.

We are really lucky, my Great Grandfathers medals are with my Uncle and I know he is really proud of them.

Still, I enjoy doing the research into these incredibly brave people.

I may post some follow up information when I get a chance to look.

Thanks everybody for such quick responses, it amazes me how helpfull the forum members can be.

Best regards to all.


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