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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

93rd Anniversary trip


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Last Monday a group of six of us from the Midlands area made the long trip to the Somme for the 93rd anniversary

We avoided crowded Lochnagar for a more informal gathering at Sunken Lane at 7am arranged by Andy Robertshaw and Steve Roberts

Accompanied by four Tommies and boosted by a tot of rum we were each given an envelope to open at the alloted time of 7.30 am on the command of a whistle which contained details of a man who went over the top on the 1st July 1916

Mine survived and won a bar to his MM but most of the group found that they had become casualties

After an excellent breakfast at Avril Williams' it was off to Thiepval for the 11 am service. Lunch at Avril's (common theme here) was eaten whilst listening to one of our Tommies talking about the equipment from the time. We then retraced the steps of the famous Geoffery Malins film with Andy and Steve over 2 hours which was excellent. 93 years of vegetation have made the undulations less pronounced but even so it was hard work following the line the Lancashire Fusiliers would have taken on that fateful day.

Some of the group went on to the ceremony at Beaumont Hamel but others decided to support the local economy with a cool beer

I will post a few photos of what was a very moving, educational, tiring but thoroughly enjoyable trip



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Andy Robertshaw describing the scene 93 years ago to the minute


A tot of rum before action


A casualty of the 1st July 1916


Back at Avril's

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Placing wreaths at Thiepval. Represenatives of many countries were present including Germany which was particularly poignant


Tommy on the battlefield 93 years on


A personal message from my wife

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The platoon

From left to right

EndonKev - Officer in command

LST159 - The padre

Myself - Officer's batman

Pete - Signaller

Doug II - Quartermaster

Neal - General malingerer


Wreaths at Lochnagar


At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them..........

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Thanks for posting these pics, great to see, I was at Sunken Lane on Tuesday last week always a must when I visit the Somme as LF's are my main interest.

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Guest KevinEndon

It was a well set up event, small but brilliant, the tot of rum (I didn't take mine), the history and the envelopes made it something more special. I opened my enevelope and read aloud

"Remembering WHITE, George



1st Lancashire FUSILIERS,

George White was born and lived in Blackheath, Kent. He enlisted in London.

Fate: George White was killed on 1st July and his body was never recovered. He is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial."

To know that I was standing not only near to where he was killed but possibly where his final resting place is.

No crowds, easy to hear what was going on and a hop, skip and jump for breakfast afterwards, then up to Thiepval for the ceremony there, where a certain forum member (none of our party) laid a wreath.

The service at Newfoundland Park was excellent as well, the water handed out by the staff was much appreciated. Champers, wine, whisky, orange juice followed, guess which one I had,



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Here is a BWM to one of those lost with Lancashire Fusiliers on that morning



Lancashire Fusiliers

1st Bn.

Date of Death: 01/07/1916




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  • Admin

Great photos. Like you I avoided the crater, and was at the place where the 21st Div went over. Usually you can look straight down to the crater but it was so misty that there was no chance, just heard the gun go off. We could hear voices close by and as we set off to walk to Fricourt we came across the Khaki Chums looming out of the mist.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Second attempt to post these pictures (first lot existed, briefly, on about 7 July then vanished off the site!) :huh: :


Guards' Cemetery, Lesboeufs: row of Grenadier Guards graves from the 25 September 1916 actions


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Newfoundland Memorial Park: parade of organisations on 1 July


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From the edge of Thiepval Wood: view of ground across which the 36th Ulster Divn. right flank and the Salford Pals (left flank of 32nd Divn) attacked on 1 July 1916.


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...and lastly, Tyne Cot Cemetery which we took in briefly en route to the Somme.



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Great atmospheric shots. Thanks for sharing.


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