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Lt.Col. Henry Charles Simpson, R.F.A.


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I have just found this site and am hoping that perhaps someone can help me to find where my ancestor Henry Simpson served during WW1 and also why he was awarded the 1914 Star (that one is obvious) but the DSO; CMG; Order of Danilo and the Croix de Guerre.

Henry was born in 1879 and joined the Army c1897 and served in the Boar War. I found an item in the London Gazette "1st Volunteer Battalian The Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middx Regt) 2nd Lt. H.C. Simpson resigns his Commission. 1 November 1902"

Family story is that he then went to India with Kitchener - if he did where can I find this information?

Henry and Lydia (his wife, he married in 1906) are in the 1911 Census with two daughters. His occupation is given as: Captain, Royal Field Artillery, living at Homefield Ness Road, Shoeburyness, Rochford, Essex.

From the Medal Rolls Index I have the date of disembarkation as 19/9/1914 - destination? Also WS/5/762 and WS/4/5043 do these mean anything?

From the London Gazette I found that Henry was MID 5 times from 1915 to 1918 and the 173rd Brigade R.A. is mentioned.

Plus "Major Henry Charles Simpson, Royal Artillery 11/1/1916 and Brevet Lt/Col Henry Charles Simpson, Royal Field Artillery 10/10/1918.

I have been to Kew but there is no record of Henry. I have written to R.A. Records Office, Stanmore but have had no reply. He was obviously a regular officer in the R.A. and I feel there must be more information I can learn about this man and his service record.

Can anyone point me in a direction I have not thought of please? I will be very grateful for any imput/advice/information.


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Hello, Lucinda. Welcome to the Forum.

The 1914 Star was only awarded for Service in France and Flanders.

I see you have some information from the Gazette, so apologies if this is retreading already known info:

London Gazette 16-3-1897

War Office, 16th March, 1897.



The Suffolk Artillery (Eastern Division), Henry Charles Simpson, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 3rd March, 1897.



London Gazette 10-1-1899

War Office, Pall Mall,

10th January, 1899.

The undermentioned Officers to be Lieutenants:—

Lieutenant Henry Charles Simpson, from the Suffolk Artillery.



London Gazette 21-12-1897

War Office, 2lst December, 1897.



The Suffolk Artillery (Eastern Division),

The undermentioned Second Lieutenants to be Lieutenants: —

H. C. Simpson. Dated 22nd December, 1897.



London Gazette 15-2-1901


Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery,

The undermentioned Second Lieutenants to be Lieutenants. Dated Itth February, 1901 :—

Henry C. Simpson



London Gazette 18-9-1906


Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery,

The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains:—

Henry C. Simpson, vice R. H. Peckham, deceased. Dated 25th August, 1906.



London Gazette 14-9-1909


Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery,

Captain Henry C. Simpson to be Adjutant, vice H. J. A. Mackey, M.V.O. Dated 1st September, 1909.



London Gazette 17-9-1909


Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery,

The undermentioned supernumerary Captains are restored to the establishment:—

Harold E. Carey, vice E. L. Ellington, seconded. Dated 13th September, 1909.

Cecil E. G. Woollcombe-Adams, vice H. C. Simpson, appointed Adjutant. Dated 14th September, 1909.



London Gazette 18-1-1910


Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery, Captain Henry C. Simpson is seconded for service on the Staff. Dated 1st January, 1910.



London Gazette 25-2-1913

War Office,

25th February, 1913.



Experimental Staff; Captain Henry C. Simpson, Royal Artillery, from 3rd, to be 2nd Assistant Superintendent of Experiments, vice Captain J. T. Dreyer, Royal Artillery.

Dated 17th February, 1913.



Captain Henry A. Lewis, Royal Artillery, from an Instructor in Gunnery; 1st Class, School of Gunnery, to be 3rd Assistiant Superintendent of Experiments, vice Captain H. C. Simpson. 'Dated 17th February, 1913.



London Gazette 3-10-1913

Experimental Staff, Captain Henry A. Lewis, Royal Artillery, is advanced from 3rd to 2nd Assistant Superintendent of Experiments, vice Captain H. C. Simpson, Royal Artillery. Dated 27th September, 1913.



London Gazette 7-10-1913


Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery,

The undermentioned supernumerary. Captains are restored to the establishment: —

Henry C. Simpson. Dated 27th September, 1913.



London Gazette 21-8-1914

War Office,

24th August, 1914.



Experimental Staff, The following temporary appointments are made. Dated 5th August, 1914: —

To be 3rd Assistant Superintendents of Experiments: —

Captain Douglas Clapham, Royal Artillery.

Captain Henry C. Simpson, Royal Artillery,and to be seconded.



London Gazette 1-10-1914


Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery,

Supernumerary Captain Henry C. Simpson is restored to the establishment. Dated 18th September, 1914.



London Gazette 14-1-1916


Major Henry Charles Simpson, Royal Artillery.

(No citations for these honours, as they are New Year's Honours)



London Gazette 3-7-1916


R.H. & R.F.A.—

The undermentioned Majors to be temp. Lt.-Cols. :—

F. Rainsford-Hannay.- 23rd Feb. 1916.

H. E. S. Wynne, D.S.O. 6th Apr: 1916.

R. G. Thomson. 22nd Apr: 1916. ''

H. C. Simpson, D.S.O, 13th May 1916.



London Gazette 9-3-1917

Decorations and Medals conferred by H.M. THE KING OF MONTENEGRO. (October 31, 1916.)

Order of Danilo, 4th Class.

Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) Henry Charles Simpson, D.S.O., Royal Artillery.



London Gazette 1-1-1918

To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel.

Maj. (T./Lt.-Col.) H. C. Simpson, D.S.O.,. R.A.



London Gazette 10-10-1918

Croix de Guerre.

Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) Henry Charles Simpson, D.S.O., Royal Field Artillery.



London Gazette 24-2-1920

The undermentioned Majs. relinquish the temp, rank of Lt.-Col.: —

Bt. Lt.-Col. H. C. Simpson, C.M.G., D.S.O. 30th June 1919.



London Gazette 18-1-1921


R.H. & R.F.A.—

The initials of Maj. and Bt. Lt.-Col. H. C. Simpson, C.M.G., D.S.O., are as now described, and net as in the Gazette of 7th Jan. 1921.



LG 2-1-1925


The undermentioned Lt.-Cols., on completion of four years serv. as Regtl. Lt.-Cols., are placed on the h.p. list: —

1st Jan. 1925.

H. C. Simpson, C.M.G., D.S.O.



LG 17-4-1925



The undermentioned appt. is made:—

Comdr., Air Defence Bde.—Lt.-Col. H. C. Simpson, C.M.G., D.S.O., h.p. list, late R.A. 5th Apr. 1925.



London Gazette 1-5-1925


The undermentioned Lt.-Cols. to be Cols. :—

H. C. Simpson, C.M.G., D.S.O., h.p. list, late R.A., 5th Apr. 1925, with seniority 1st Jan. 1922.



London Gazette 13-5-1927


The undermentioned retire on ret. pay. 14th- May 1927.

Col. H. C. Simpson, C.M.G., D.S.O.



London Gazette 5-7-1927



The undermentioned appts. are made:—

Bde. Comdr., 27th (London) Air Def. Bde.—

Col. C. Buckle, 'C.B.E., T.A., vice Col. H. C. Simpson, C.M.G., D.S.O. (ret.). 14th May 1927.



LG 24-4-1934



Col. H. C. Simpson, O.M.G., D.S.O., having attained the age limit of liability to recall-, ceases to belong to the Res. of Off. 24th Apr. 1934.



That should give the "bare bones" on which to base his service.

Incidentally, I believe that the 1902 Gazette man in the Middlesex Regiment is not the same man....

Hopefully some of our artillery experts can add some more.


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The Times of 6-9-1909 mentions his appointment as an Adjutant:


also, Times 14-9-1926


This may be him mentioned in the battle of Cambrai :


and 1918:



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Lieutenant Colonel H C Simpson, RFA

Born on 24 April 1879, the only son of Robinson Henry Simpson

Educated at Tonbridge School from 1893 to 1896 and at RMA, Woolwich from 1896 to 1898

Commissioned as 2nd Lieut, RA on 22 Dec 1898

Lieut, RA, 16 Feb 1901

Served in the South African War from Jan 00 to Dec 02 (Queen's South African Medal with three clasps: Cape Colony, Orange Free State and Transvaal; King's South Africa Medal with two clasps)

Served in India from Dec 02 to Sep 06

Capt, RFA, 25 Aug 06

From Aug to Sep 14 he was seconded to the Experimental Department at the School of Gunnery, Shoeburyness

Went to France on 18 Sept 14 and served there until 30 Jun 1919

Major, RFA, 3 Oct 14

From 18 Sep 14 to 15 Jun 15 he was Staff Officer to the Artillery Advisor, General Headquarters and took part in the Battle of Ypres from 19 Oct 14 to 21 Nov 14 and from 22 Apr 15 to 5 May 15

Was Officer Commanding, 55th Battery, RFA from 15 Jun 15 to 3 May 16, taking part in the Battle of Loos and Calais)

Slightly wounded in the arm by shrapnel on 25 Sep 15 at Croix Blanche, near Fleurbaix, Pas de Calais

Temp. Lt-Col., RFA 3 May 16

Was Officer Commanding, 173rd Brigade, RFA from 3 May 16 to 30 Jun 19 taking part in the Battle of the Somme from 1 July to 17 Nov 16; the Battle of Messines from 7 to 14 Jun 17; the Battle of Ypres from 31 Jul to 6 Nov 17; the Battle of Cambrai from 27 Sep to 5 Oct 17; the Battle of Kemmel in Apr 18; the Battle of St. Quentin on 18 Mar 18; The Battle of Ypres from 28-29 Sep 18; and the advance to Courtrai.

Brevet Lt-Col., RFA, 1 Jan 18

Commander, Order of St. Michael and St. George, London Gazette of 1 Jan 19

Distinguished Service Order, London Gazettes of 1 Jan 16

Seven times mentioned in despatches: London Gazettes of 14 Jan 15; 30 Nov 15; 13 Nov 16; 9 Apr 17; 7 Nov 17; 7 Apr 18; and 8 Nov 18.

Montenegrin Order of Danilo, London Gazette of 9 Mar 17

French Croix de Guerre with Divisional Citation, London Gazette of 10 Oct 18

French Croix de Guerre with Divisional Citation, London Gazette of 3 Apr 18

From 1 Apr 19 to 30 Jun 19 he was also Officer Commanding, 36th Division Cadre and XV Corps Cadre

From 1920 to 1 Jul 22 he was with Headquarter, British Section, Inter-Allied Commission for the Control of Berlin

Lt-Col, RFA, 1 Jan 21

From 1925 to 1927, he was Officer Commanding, 27th (London) Air Defence Brigade (T.A.)

Retired at a Lt-Col, RA in 1927

Died at Shoreham, Sussex, on 24 Jan 43

Sources: Tonbridge School and the Great War of 1914-1919; Tonbridge School Register 1847 to 1926; Tonbridge School Register 1861 to 1945.

Regards, Dick Flory

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Artillery Expert..... ;)


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Hi Steve and Dick,

I replied to you both earlier but as this does not seem to have been posted I have obviously done something wrong no doubt in my excitement so I am writing again because I need you to know how grateful I am.

I am completely overwhelmed not only with the expertise and relevant information but the time taken in providing me with so much.

There is so much to absorb and I shall greatly enjoy assimulating it all. I really did not expect to receive so much help.

THANK YOU seems hardly adequate for what I have received but please believe it is heartfelt.


Lucinda :D

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Lucinda ,

Some years ago I met some members of a French WW1 study group at Ciry Ourchamps and they showed me round their part of the Western Front . One visit was to a quarry which contained a memorial on a wall with the inscription -

ICI LE MARS 28 1918

Le Colonel Simpson DSO RFA

a et e decore de la Croix de Guerre par

Le Lieut Colonel POURNIER clt L'ID 77

On return home I did some research and came up with the information you already have plus a letter from a then young neighbour plus and obituary taken from a Shoreham paper . If we are talking of the same man would you care to see the map and a picture of the memorial .


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Hello Lucinda ,

Re my last posting I realized that it was incomplete . After being shown the memorial I went to the N/A to look at the War Dairies of the 173rd Brigade RA to see where they were in March 1918 and they were short as you would expect at that time . The French group seemed to think that he was awarded this Croix de Guerre , his brigade assisting French infantry during the German offensive .

I wrote to the archivist at Tonbridge School and a newspaper in Shoreham . The school were unable to help and the newspaper sent me his obituary . He was apparently the Chairman/President of the Shoreham British Legion at the time of his death and was highly respected . I did have a reply from a man who as a child had lived with his widow . I know this doesn't help you much but am intrigued to find one of his relatives on the Forum . If you woul like a copy of the photograph of his memorial/plaque would be pleased to let you have a copy . Maurice

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Hello Lucinda ,

Re my last posting I realized that it was incomplete . After being shown the memorial I went to the N/A to look at the War Dairies of the 173rd Brigade RA to see where they were in March 1918 and they were short as you would expect at that time . The French group seemed to think that he was awarded this Croix de Guerre , his brigade assisting French infantry during the German offensive .

I wrote to the archivist at Tonbridge School and a newspaper in Shoreham . The school were unable to help and the newspaper sent me his obituary . He was apparently the Chairman/President of the Shoreham British Legion at the time of his death and was highly respected . I did have a reply from a man who as a child had lived with his widow . I know this doesn't help you much but am intrigued to find one of his relatives on the Forum . If you woul like a copy of the photograph of his memorial/plaque would be pleased to let you have a copy . Maurice

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Hello Maurice,

my apologies for the delay in replying - I did not think I would be lucky enough to get any more information on Henry Simpson and have only just come back to the site.

Yes please, any additional information is more than welcome and I would very much like to read the obituary and to see a picture of the memorial. I tried the Times to see if there was an obituary but I guess that in 1943 they were busy reporting matters of more importance at the time.

Henry is a removed cousin and I would very much like to find out what happened to his two sons - I believe both his daughters did not marry.

Thank you for sending me the information and I will look forward to hearing from you again.



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