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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Allerton Towers Home of Recovery


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Does anyone have any details regarding the role of "Allerton Towers Home of Recovery" in 1920. Allerton Towers was/is on the outskirts of Liverpool.

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Don't have any info on Allerton Towers but across the road near Woolton woods was a home for troops to Convalese in ,it's now a home for O.A.P,s. Most of the Grear War graves in nearby Allerton Cemetery are servicemen that died there.

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The title was strictly Allerton Tower - singular. It had been the home of the Earle family, important in Liverpool's history. A booklet 'The House in the Park' describes its latter days. The family still owned it in 1924 when it was offered to Liverpool Corporation and acquired for £22,000. In the early years of the 20th century the house had been let to Lord Forres.. It stood for some years empty and idle until it was decided that the ravages of dry rot had seriously impaired the structure and it would be demolished, despite attempts to save it. [sounds very familiar!]

All that remains is the orangery and the spacious gardens, open to the people of the city.

I realise this does not help, but gives a background.

EDIT Google shows the appointment of a matron, in an extract from a Royal College of Nursing archive, August 3rd 1918. Could their archivist help?


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Thank you for your very helpful replies Izzy and Dagger

i should have stated in my original post that my question related to my Great-Uncle, who was admitted to Whittingham Hospital (Asylum) in 1920. The paperwork associated with his admission consists of a form headed "West Derby Union" and completed at Mill Road Infirmary, Liverpool. On this form, his residence previous to the date of admission was given as "Allerton Towers Home of Recovery, Allerton, Liverpool.

Family lore has it that Great-Uncle suffered from shell-shock after WW1 and from his admission to Whittingham he certainly had some form of mental breakdown. I can only surmise that Allerton Towers Home of Recovery was where he was first looked after until his condition deteriorated to the extent that he had to be admitted to a lunatic asylum.

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