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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

5th Southern General Hospital


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Hi Guys

I'm trying to find information and photographs on this hospital

I know it was the Priory School in Fawcett Road, but that's the sum total of my knowledge at the moment

Can anybody add anything to this, especially an image from a photograph or postcard

Many thanks


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When No.5 Southern General opened in August/September 1914 it was on two sites, one the girls' school already mentioned, and also at Milton Hospital in Milton Road, later renamed Priorsdean Hospital.


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When No.5 Southern General opened in August/September 1914 it was on two sites, one the girls' school already mentioned, and also at Milton Hospital in Milton Road, later renamed Priorsdean Hospital.

Hi Sue

Thanks for this. Do you know anything about Milton Hospital?

I live in walking distance of Milton Road, Southsea and there certainly isnt a hospital there now. There has been considerable re-development but quite a few buildings date back to the 1800's ish. It could be that one of the older buildings was a hospital but there has been a change of use!


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Now realise it was three sites, not two - this item in the British Journal of Nursing has a good account of the hospital in the early days.


and continued on the next page if you use the link at the bottom right of that page.

I also think I've given the wrong site for the hospital. On checking, I have a feeling it was the hospital originally known as the Portsea Island Union Infirmary in Milton Street, later part of St. Mary's Hospital. The Hospitals Database gives the postcode as PO3 6AD, although I don't think it's open now. Just to keep you on your toes you understand ... :wacko:


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On checking, I have a feeling it was the hospital originally known as the Portsea Island Union Infirmary in Milton Street, later part of St. Mary's Hospital. The Hospitals Database gives the postcode as PO3 6AD, although I don't think it's open now. Just to keep you on your toes you understand ... :wacko:


Thanks for the link ....

I've seen a reference to the Portsea Infirmary, although I didnt know its address

I think Queen Alexandra in Cosham which was for military only until after WW2, was built to replace the Portsea Infirmary

I've looked at the history of St Mary's and it only refers to WW2, no reference to WW1, so not exactly sure when it was built

Do you have Hilsea Military Hospital in your database, I've seen reference to it, but can find little information

It apparantly was taking only VD cases at the end of WW1


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The Hospitals Records Database is courtesy of The National Archives, and is a great source for hospital searchers, and will lead you on to current surviving records. Sometimes you have to be a bit inventive with what you search for, especially those wretched Saints [st.]

On the whole there will be no entries for hospitals that were temporary military hospitals during the war - only those that were civil hospitals before the war, or carried on as civil hospitals after the war.



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Oh wow! Thanks for that

My main interest in WW1 is medical, the hospitals, the treatment and the the medical people

I never knew this DB existed

Thank you very much


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you will find some information on WW1 hospitals and convalescent centres in Portsmouth in the volume "Portsmouth and the Great War", published in 1919. Most of the Portsmouth libraries have a few copies, and others are regularly seen at local antique fairs. They tend to fetch up to £40. If you later decide to buy one look out for a copy with the two loose inserts for Addenda to the Roll of Honour, and the Awards list.

I have just checked back through my copy, and there is no specific photo of the Priory School.


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you will find some information on WW1 hospitals and convalescent centres in Portsmouth in the volume "Portsmouth and the Great War", published in 1919. Most of the Portsmouth libraries have a few copies, and others are regularly seen at local antique fairs. They tend to fetch up to £40. If you later decide to buy one look out for a copy with the two loose inserts for Addenda to the Roll of Honour, and the Awards list.

Thanks for this Keith

I wasnt aware of this book, but it sounds like it is just the book I need to read

I'll have to try and get my hands on a copy ...


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