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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Service Numbers


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I am led to believe that you can tell the units and approx when a soldier joined up and what type of unit he was in i.e Horse, Mecanical, Machine Gun Crew, Lewis Gun Crew, and so on.

Is this correct and is there any guidance, book or general rule that would put be on the right path.

I have a few Victory Medals for the following and would be grateful if anyone can put these to that test. I would also be grateful if they could also send the medal cards to me and any other information, such as service or medical or pension records if there are any.

L-2895 GNR T Murray RA

31408 PTE R M Holmes RAMC

213952 GNR H Shepard RA

44131 TE H Kennedy RAMC

I know its a tall order but I would be in your debt.Thanks and good luck.



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...I am led to believe that you can tell the units and approx when a soldier joined up and what type of unit he was in i.e Horse, Mecanical, Machine Gun Crew, Lewis Gun Crew, and so on.

Is this correct?

L-2895 GNR T Murray RA

31408 PTE R M Holmes RAMC

213952 GNR H Shepard RA

44131 TE H Kennedy RAMC

Not strictly true,there is some clue,to some but no means all..

"L" Prefix on Artillery signifies Local Enlistment{ie on a par with Pals Battalions for infantry}

213952 suggests a Territorial Battery{TF} & thus should be attributable to a particular TF Battery & should be dateable as to approximate issue of this group of numbers

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213952 suggests a Territorial Battery{TF}

Isn't it actually indicative of a New Army artillery enlistment rather than TF?


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