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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Kings Certificate


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King's Cert. is the Paper Scroll which accompanied the issue of the Silver War Badge.

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Thought this might be of added interest.

RAF Version

King's Certificate on Discharge for Disabled Airmen of the RAF (6809/18)

Certificate of Honour awarded to disabled airmen.

Issued to:-

(1) WOs, NCOs, and men of the RAF who have been discharged on account of disablement or ill-health, certified (under the authority of the Air Ministry) to have been caused or aggravated by service engaged on flying duty in connection with " operations against the enemy" or " with aerial coast patrol work since 4 August 1914."

(2) WOs, NCOs, and men of the RAF who have served at sea or abroad since 4th August 1914, and who have been discharged on account of ill-health not due to misconduct and whose disablement or ill-health is certified (under the authority of the Air Ministry) to have been caused or aggravated by Service.

(3) WOs, NCOs, and men who have been discharged on account of disablement or ill-health, and whose disablement or ill-health is certified (under the authority of the Air Ministry) to be directly attributable to the action of the enemy e.g., Air or Naval raids.

Certificates for men of the RFC discharged prior to 1 April 1918 were issued under regulations laid down in Army Council Instruction, No. 336 of 1918.

Certificates for men of the RNAS discharged prior to 1 April 1918 were issued by the Admiralty.

Certificates for airmen of the RAF were (in 1918) issued by the Officer in Charge of Records, Blandford Camp.

I can find no mention (in the above order) of a Silver War Badge being included with the certificate.



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