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London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) 1st Bn

Susan Horton

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I have had no success in finding out where the war diary for London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) 1st Bn is. If anyone knows please let me know?

Also if anyone has any information from it regarding a specific period I should be very grateful for it?

The day in question was 3rd May 1917 when my grandfather Pte Edward Charles Halls 203983 was killed in action in Flanders. I am interested in the lead up to this. I am wondering if it was the battle of Arras as he is commemorated at the Arras memorial, but only the diary will reveal where his unit was and what they were planning to do. His MIC also records another number above the number I have given (8301) if this is of any use.

Thank you


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Hi Sue

The extract for 3 May is as follows:

"Attacked TOOL Trench at 3.45am and three further objectives on North of CAMBRAI road. Battalion attacked in 4 waves A & D coys front B & C in rear A & B being on right. Each company in two platoon frontage. Owing to darkness direction was lost and much confusion resulted. MG & rifle fire was very heavy and attack failed. Apparently a few men of A coy and a few of D obtained a footing in TOOL Trench, the first objective but failed to maintain it.Some of D are said to have passed TOOL and penetrated to LANYARD Trench but this is uncertain. At 6am all were back in our front line - Cavalry Trench. Heavily shelled for remainder of day, especially Bat HQ in support line SADDLE Trench. Relieved at night and proceeded back to WANCOURT line. Casualties 2Lt Eiloart & 2Lt N.C. HEATON + 28 O.R. killed. Capt W F Cain died of wounds. 2Lt E.C. WARREN + 45 O.R. missing. 2Lts Papworth, Gampton, Enever, Lane and 130 O.R. wounded."

I'm not totally sure about one or two of the names of officers and the officer writing the diary doesn't always keep to the capitalisation of names as is usual.

There is also a superb note from Sgt GC Kemp of D coy written at 7.20 from the "Front Line" (he means back at Cavalry Trench) "Have collected about 20 men and 2 Lewis Guns and am holding line. Capt. Cain is on my right."

I'll post a sketch map and a trench map to give the positions some meaning for you.

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This is the sketch map from the diaries but you might need a trench map coming up in a while to sort this one out.


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This is a trench map from July (the earliest I have following the April offensive). Tool Trench is already in British hands by this time but it will give you a feel for the layout and geography of the area near Monchy le Preux which is east of Arras.


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The 1st London's were indeed at Arras and on the 3rd May 1917 attacked Tool trench at 3.45am and three other objectives north of the Cambrai road. Battalion attacked in 4 waves, A & D Coys in front B & C in rear, A & B being on right. Each Company on two platoon frontage. Owing to darkness direction was lost and much confusion resulted. M.G. and rifle fire was very heavy and attack failed. Apparently a few men of A Coy + a few of D obtained a footing in Tool trench, the first obnjective but failed to maintain it. Some of them are said to have passed Tool and penetrated to Lanyard trench but this is uncertain. At 6am all were back in our front line - Cavalry trench. Heavily shelled for remainer of day especially Batt. HQ in support line Saddle trench, relieved at night and proceeded back to Wancourt line. Casualties 2nd Lt. F.O. Eilwart + 2nd Lt. N.C. Heaton killed. Capt. W.F. Cain died of wounds. 2nd Lt. E.C. Warren + 45 O.R.'s missing 2nd Lt's Papworth, Crampton, Enever, Lane and 130 O.R.'s wounded.

This from the War Diary


:o Jim's faster on the draw

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Finally a close up of Cavalry Farm which you can see on the sketch map.


The diaries for this period can be downloaded from


at a cost of £3.50 for each month or free if you go to Kew.

However, if you want a copy of April (your grandfather is very likely to have been involved in the 9th April attack) and May then send me a PM and they might magically appear! :rolleyes:

I am sure that other Pals who specialise more in individual soldiers may get more information on your Grandfather for you. I am in Arras the week after next so if you want a photo of his name on the memorial I would be happy to take one for you. I warn you though - the bays are quite dark, especially if the name is high on the wall.


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Thank you Jim for all of the help you have given. I should be extremely grateful if the war diary extracts do magically appear and yes I would like to take you up on the offer of the memorial photo.

This is all very extremely kind of you. If need my e mail address to send as well, it is susan.horton@southend.nhs.uk

Thank you


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Dear Jim,

Would it be too cheeky of me to ask you do do something else if possible?

I believe my grandfather has a grave stone as well. If he has would you please be able to photograph this for me.

Thank you


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Hi Sue

According to CWGC your Grandfather is in Bay 9 on the Arras memorial which will mean he has no known grave therefore I can't see there being a gravestone. He will have his name inscribed on the wall. Sorry.

On a brighter note I will use your email address but as soon as you have read this go and edit out the address on the post. It's not a good idea to put an address on an open area like this - you will get hammered with spam.


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