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2nd batt Seaforth Highlanders


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I have the 2nd batt Seaforth highlander’s war diary from the 22nd April 1917 until 28th November. I'm typing it up at the moment (and have been doing so for the last few months!!). If anyone would like any information please do ask.


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I am trying to find out what happened to Lt Douglas Renton of the Seaforth Highlanders. All I know is he is mention in 1914 as being "in action". I know its a long shot but ........



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Hi Barry, I am trying to find any details of Corporal Edward Henry Thompson, although half the time he called himself Henry Edward Thompson. He is my Great Grandfather. On the 3rd September 1917, his wife, Emma Beatrice died, and on her death certificate her husband is said to be a CORPORAL, 10089, 2ND SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS. Although there is no mention of his death in any records, he never returned from the war, and we never found out what happened to him. I know the chance is slim, but could you look through the diary to see if he is mentioned at all. Thank you Alec

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I would like to see the diary for the first half of the war.


I have the 2nd batt Seaforth highlander’s war diary from the 22nd April 1917 until 28th November. I'm typing it up at the moment (and have been doing so for the last few months!!). If anyone would like any information please do ask.


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  • 4 weeks later...

hello.....I just joined and am beginning my research regarding my Great Grandfather,his brother and brother inlaw.

I saw your diary and what luck.........

My Great Great Uncle .......

Lance Corporal George Devlin

2nd Bn.Seaforth Highlanders

Died of his wounds on 15 Oct.1917

at 22 nd.General Hospital

and is buried at Etaples

Do you have any information about which battle he may have been wounded at and what date etc.???



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Have since my first post discovered the Passchendaele Archive...since I am not sure how many days inbetween his dying and actually receiving his wounds.There are a few poosibilities as to which battle it may have been.

You all have heped me so much in just a few days of research that I am sure I will get the details at some time.....I even have a photo of his grave coming .......you guys are great ........ next I'll be researching my GGUncles on the german side ....so lets hope I'll be as lucky there...

Thanks so very much.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Barry, thanks for your time, like an idiot, i never thought to check the medal roll records, did so and very quickly found him, it shows he was in the Seaforth Highlanders, Regiment No S/10089, just as it was on his wife's death certificate, so that confirms it is him. he was a Lance Corporal. then it says he was in the Royal Fusiliers, Corporal, Regiment No 101429, and then Labour Corps, Corporal, Regiment No 479581, 1914 - 1920. Still can not find a death for him in the War Graves web site. I did try the regimental museum at Fort George, by e-mail and phone, no help at all. I suppose i was hoping that he would have been given Compassionate Leave because of his wife's sudden death, leaving two young children, and that might be mentioned in the War Diary.

Thanks for your help again, all the best Alec

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Barry,

My great grandfather Sgt Robert Grant was with the 2nd battalion Seaforth Highlanders and died on November 15 1920 while tending the graves at Duisans British Cemetery at Etrun. Not sure of the cause of death but he was wounded earlier in the shooulder.

Do you know of any information about him or am I able to see the diaries you've been transcribing? Any help about this battalion would be greatly appreciated.


I have the 2nd batt Seaforth highlander’s war diary from the 22nd April 1917 until 28th November. I'm typing it up at the moment (and have been doing so for the last few months!!). If anyone would like any information please do ask.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Barry

A long shot but I am looking for information regarding my great-great-uncle Private Alexander Brown of the 1st Bn. Seaforth Highlanders, (He originally joined the 2nd Bn. Seaforth Highlanders but when he died of wounds on 15th November 1917 shortly after the battle of Tikrit he was listed as 1st Bn. Seaforth Highlanders).

Are there any refernces to him in the war diary for the period you have?

Many many thanks for any help that I may receive.


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