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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Aviva Roll Honour


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"Their memories will be held in the greatest gratitude, not only by this generation but for generations to come"

Francis Norie-Miller, General Manager of General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation Ltd 1891 – 1933

Pals may be interested in the following site


With its multinational baseline - it could be useful for those looking for servicemen other than from Great Britain


PS haven't found of the First Tanks Crews yet but........

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Thanks for posting this

Good to see a large company honouring their men, if only more did it


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They did a special edition of their Magazine when remembering the 60th Anniversary of WW2 and everyone invited to contribute memories etc. and my mother got me to write about my dad, which they printed in full. I love them for that!



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Aviva is clearly proud to embrace the heritage of its predecessor and constituent companies, both in terms of commercial reputation and in terms of remembrance. Congratulations to Anna Stone, the Aviva Group Archivist, on carrying out this project and, no doubt, on fighting her corner within the company to get time and resources allocated to it.

There must be innumerable companies/organisations/institutions that hold records from their predecessors, some of whose names may have been consigned with relief to oblivion, and these may never 'come out' unless determined individuals fight the fight to bring them back to the surface. It occurs to me, though, that in increasingly globalised sectors like financial services there must be companies that hold records from predecessor companies in various countries, including some that were 'on the other side' during the Great War.

Having myself participated in the creation of a memorial database for another institution, I am very aware that many of the men commemorated on the corporate memorial will also be commemorated on other memorials elsewhere, and would encourage members who come across men who worked for one of Aviva's predecessors to bring their research to the attention of Aviva's archive department. Such interest will no doubt strengthen the Archivist's hand and, in turn, perhaps, help unlock further material and, who knows, perhaps even practical assistance from the company.

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Have finished downloading the data - no first tank crews but lots of useful info (132 pages of names, companies, date of death, unit and additional details).

Lots from the London Regt, not surprisingly, but not all London based. If Pals would like me to check a name , happy to do so


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"PS haven't found of the First Tanks Crews yet but........ "


FR Pickworth Tank Corps of Nottingham – Fine Art and General Insurance Co - was almost certainly Frank R Pickworth who served in the first action at Courcellette, and was subsequently awarded a MM for action at Third Yres, is lsited albeit listed as a commissioned officer.


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Had a most positive reply from Aviva


asking for any further info on those appearing on their Roll of Honour

MODS - grateful for your advice

Should I post the names of those listed on this thread? there are rather a lot but it might help! ;)


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