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online books about shell shock

manchester terrier

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Came across these books on shell shock/war neuroses

Hysterical disorders of warfare by Lewis R Yealland

The care and treatment of mental diseases and war neuroses ("shell shock") in the British army by Thomas W Salmon

Thomas W. Salmon: Advocate of Mental Hygiene. A 2006 article about him.

War neuroses by J T MacCurdy. Preface by WHR Rivers

War neuroses and shell shock by F W Mott

Shell shock and its lessons by Sir E G Smith

Shell-shock and other neuropsychiatric problems presented in five hundred and eighty-nine case histories from the War literature, 1914-1918 by E E Southard

War-shock: the psycho-neuroses in war, psychology and treatment by M D Eder

Medical diseases of the war by A F Hurst.( part one covers "war neuroses" )

Physical remedies for disabled soldiers by R F Fox ( covers mental and physical disability)

The Medical Department of the United States Army in the World War volume 10: Neuropsychiatry (1929) Bit of a biggy at 302MB PDF, probably best to "save target as" instead of just opening it.

Instinct And The Unconscious by WHR Rivers 1920

Conflict And Dream by WHR Rivers 1923 some of the cases he quotes are military

Neuropsychiatry and the War: A Bibliography with Abstracts (1918) by Mabel Webster Brown

The doctor in war by W Hutchinson (1918) has a chapter on shellshock

another six books on the subject

and to bring it up to date

The treatment of shell-shock ,Cognitive therapy before its time,Peter W. Howorth, Specialist Registrar in Psychiatry ,Based on a talk given to the Wilfred Owen Association at Craiglockhart in March 1998

a letter in the Psychiatric Bulletin from Edgar Jones and Simon Wessely

Shell shock, Gordon Holmes and the Great War by A D Macleod 2004

hopes its of interest



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Manchester United: Thanks also from across the big pond. The list of scanned books and articles is very helpful in my ongoing long term research into the history of shellshock in the CEF.

Thanks again,


British North America

(aka Canada)

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Congratulations on reaching 1000 posts ! The rich vein of online books that you've been mining recently is a great discovery and the links you've posted on a wide variety of subjects are much appreciated. Keep up the good work !


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Excellent material baz. There are also a couple of articles that I have on my hard-drive if anyone wants copies of them

Pschiatry and Casualties of War, Germany 1914-18, by Paul Lerner

The Sufferings of Shell-Shocked men in Gt. Britain and Ireland 1914-39, by Joanna Bourke.


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Excellent series of links here and elsewhere, Baz. I'm sure you'll excuse the post-Xmas - erm, inaccuracies - of some of our Pals. :lol: Manchester United, Mr Gilinsky? 1,000 posts, Mr Gunner? :P


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1,000 posts, Mr Gunner? :P

At 301 posts Mr Terrier is just into Skindles, though! As has been said, a very useful series of online links from him over the past few days. I'll have a large Scapa, no ice, on your new Skindles bar tab thanks Baz.

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1,000 posts, Mr Gunner? :P

Whoops, sorry – 1,000 is Baz's membership number :blush:

Start again. Congratulations, Baz, on reaching 300 posts. Look forward to seeing you in Skindles and buying you a virtual drink.

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Thanks for the thanks chaps, see you at the bar for a chota peg!

As to Manchester United.....the less said the better!

John Gilinsky, in my wanderings round the IA, I came across a copy of "The Psychoneuroses of War" by Roussy and Lhermitte.

Possibly interesting to your research is the "acceptance stamp" on the flyleaf here

No4 Canadian General Hospital Basingstoke, Registrar's Office, Mar 21 1919.

Now a quick google turns up this information

No.4 General Hospital with Colonel J. A. Roberts in command embarked at Devonport October 18, 1915 for Salonika, arriving at its destination November 9. A hospital with a capacity of 1,040 beds was erected on the Monastir Road, four miles outside of the city. In May, 1916, the hospital was transferred to the east side of the city to Kalmnaria site. In this position huts were provided, with a bed capacity of 1,040, which was increased to 1,540 in July, 1916, and to 2,000 in June, 1917. The unit operated until August 17, 1917, when it handed over to an English hospital, and proceeded in two sections to England. It reassembled at Basingstoke, on October 24, and took over the new hospital there, which became known as No.4 Canadian General Hospital.

The original bed capacity of this hospital was 1,040, which was raised to 1,540 in September, 1918, and to 1,840 in October. The hospital closed June, 1919, and sailed for Canada July 2, 1919.

This website has a brief history of the Basingstoke site Park Prewett Hospital

In WW2 the same site was used as a nuerological and plastic surgery hospital.

hope its of interest



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