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The Great Push


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Have just finishing reading this book, by Rifleman No 3008 Patrick McGill re the Battle of Loos. In a chapter called "Over the Top" the author mentions the London Irish playing Football on their way over no mans land to the German Trenches.

Does anyone have any more information on this episode.


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Hi Desmond,

Will have to get round to reading that book, McGill gives quite a description of the episode right down to meeting a boy in the trenches carrying the football and the comments of a Scottish Regiment to McGill at a dressing station.


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Guest Desmond6

I reckon it's one of the best 'companion' volumes for those interested in regts with irish connections. It also gives some excellent accounts of non-Irisg regts who were operating in same sectors. Especially good in its treatment of early war actions Mons, Aisne etc.

I have discovered a truly staggering number of regulars and reservists in my home town who were killed and wounded in these actions.

Would be happpy to send you a variety of snippets if you'd be interested. It's now complete up to June 30 1916 - then it's three week's worth of heavy keying and copying of pics from old newspaper files!

O,G and K is also very good on Dardanelles and Gallipoli and would be of interest to Hampshire researchers - very close association with Irish regts. there.

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Would love to see the snippets you mention.


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Need your home e-mail so you can read this without backspacing forever!

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Thanks E Mail sent,


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  • 3 weeks later...


Finally got round the the snippets you sent, great job, trying to do something similar for local men to me, time permitting. Many thanks for sharing that with me, very interesting.


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Cheers - no probs. I just key them in as they appear and eventually I'll get round to the spellchecker!

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