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Which RFA Brigade

Angela Measures

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My grandfather was a regular (corpl then sergt) in the RFA from at least 1911 to about 1950. I have 2 queries I wondered if anyone could please help with:


Trying to establish which WW1 war diary/diaries are relevant and whether I can at least narrow down the Division if not get me to the Brigade(s). I have the RFA 31st Brigade war diary but am not confident it’s right one. I only know for sure he was in 31st in 1911. His 1st theatre of war is France and the date is 21 Dec 1915 whereas the 31st Bde diary says they sailed from France on 17 Nov 1915 via Marseilles arriving Salonika 25 Nov 1915 and stayed in that part of the world for rest of WW1. Could he have joined them late or could Dec 1915 date be inaccurate? Also confused as to when he earnt the French medal as below if he’d only passed through France? The facts and clues I have are:

[*]17 Aug 1911 - 31st Brigade on invitation to wife for sports day at Ewshott, England

[*]At some point between 1911 & Nov 1915 – served a period in India

[*]11 Nov 1915 - In Paris per studio photograph with brother both on RFA uniform

[*]21 Dec 1915 - Qual date for 1st theatre of war – France

[*]21 Jul 1919 - B/98th Shown as unit when the notice went into London Gazette re French medaille d'Honneur avec Glaives en Bronze (have only just discovered there are records at TNA for foreign medals but not pursued yet)

[*]13 Aug 1920 - WO329/72 British war & Victory medal card has a note saying something about RFA/155B'

[*]At some point between end WW1 & 1922 - 131st Battery per postcard from Co Cork, Ireland


Needless to say nothing exists for him in WO364 including mis-sorts, v little in WO329. Can you tell me if its possible to apply for service records for post WW1 to 1950?

Thank you very much


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98th Brigade, RFA served in the 22nd Divisional Artillery. it was in France from early September to late October 1915 on the Amiens-St. Quentin road. It entrained for Marseille on 25 October and began embarkation for the Macedonian theater on the 27th October 1915, disembarking at Salonika during November and December. It took part in the following operations: Retreat from Serbia, 6-13 December 1915; Horseshoe Hill, 10-18 August 1916; Machukovo, 13-14 September 1916; Battle of Dojran, 24-25 April and 8-9 May 1917 and 18-19 September 1918. Its war diary for the period November 1915 to April 1919 is available at The National Archives under WO95/4845; and for the period May 1919 to November 1919 under WO95/4883. Regards, Dick Flory

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Rflory - Thanks very much for all that info - I'm going to pursue his record via the MOD but have to wait for next of kin auth 1st.

In the meantime, you've given me further food for thought.

Am wondering if the records at MOD will go back as far as WW1?

Am also wondering how reliable is the 1st theatre of war date on a medal index card?

He was in Paris on 11 nov 1915 & then his 1st theatre of war is France and the date is 21 Dec 1915 but given the unit he was in 3 years before WW1 (31st) and the unit he was in after WW1 (98th) both entrained for Marseilles & onto Macedonia before that date am wondering if he will turn out to be in a different unit all together - or perhaps the dates don't need to match, could soldiers have been coming and going?

Anyone any other thoughts?



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Many other ranks did not go overseas with their units but rather went to a theater of war as individuals or in small groups of replacements who were then assigned as needed once they arrived. Dick Flory

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Dick - thank you for that - helps enormously for me to think about the possibilities of what happened.

Kind regards - grateful for your time


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