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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Researching Grandfather


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I am trying to find out about the Grandfather I never knew.

Familly history says that he joined the footballers battalion under age and was discharged shortly afterwards. He is later reputed to have joined the Artillery, been wounded, and died of his wounds in 1920.

I have found 2 pages of records on Ancestry which confirm that he enlisted in the 17th bn Middlesex Regt (football bn) on the 17th March 15 and that he was discharged on the 15th June 1915.

I can't find an MIC for him later in the Artillery or any service papers to support his later service. I understand that death certificates due not give cause of death at that time.

His name was Percy West, born December 1898, lived at Czar St, Deptford, and died in the second quarter of 1920 with his death being registered at Greenwich.

Anyone give me any idea where to turn next,


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There are 11 Percy WESTs in the Medal Index Cards of WO372/21 at Kew,all in the Artillery. Only three of them have the single name Percy,others are Percy C (1),Percy E (2),Percy J (2), Percy L (1),Percy R (1),and Percy T (1).

If you have a second initial it could be an easy process,if only one you have to chase 3 leads.


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