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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

SWB Number


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Can anyone please give me contact details of anyone who can identify the recipient of a SWB by the number? Thank you.

Hi,I had the same problem,I looked on E-bay,and found a chap who does look ups for about a £5.

He will send you a photocopy of the page as held at Kew.

If you can't find him e-mail me and i'll look for his e-mail.

Put in 'swb' in the search .


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Can anyone please give me contact details of anyone who can identify the recipient of a SWB by the number? Thank you.

Depends on what number the badge is, there are several pals who have the numbers for the various Regiments that they are interested in, maybe your badge number will be amongst those. Tell us what the number is and we may be able to help.


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