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East Lancashire Regiment

Guest Darwen

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I have found this fantastic article below in relation to my Great Grandad. Having checked it appears that the 9th Battalion formed part of the 22nd division, and would have served mainly in Salonika. I would love to find out more information about what would have been happening on the dates below when the MM was awarded. I would also like to get as much information about the 9th Battalion or 22nd division as I can, particulary the details of who the company commander would have been, and if anyone has any photos of the Battalion or division in Salonkia or otherwise I would really appreciate it.
9/13372 Private Henry Pilkington, MM.
9th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment. Awarded the M.M. in the London Gazette of 28 September 1917. Pilkington was a native of Padiham, Lancashire.

The Burnley Express of 8 February 1919 reported : -



At the Padiham Grand theatre, on Tuesday night last, two more Military medals were presented, one being to Private Pilkington, of 13, Guy Street, Padiham, and the other to Private J. Sullivan, of 17, Altham Street, Padiham. The medals were presented by Councilor Wiggins, vice-chairman of the Urban District Council, and were pinned on by Mr. Joseph Hargreaves. There were also present Mr. R.T. Whitehead, Mr. Arthur Ford (chairman of the Padiham Branch of "The Comrades of the Great War" section of Discharged Soldiers Association), and ex-Sergeant Brown (chairman of the Discharged Soldiers Association).
Councilor Wiggins, at the outset, read out the War Office report of the deeds which had earned the honours conferred, as follows: -

Private Pilkington, 9th East Lancashire Regiment: - "From the night of 27/28 April 1917 to the 2 May 1917, this stretcher bearer dressed many wounded under shell fire and carried them to the aid post across the open. Although under persistent fire, he maintained a remarkable cheerfulness, and was of great assistance in keeping up the spirits of the company. When the company commander was hit and badly wounded, although he himself was partially buried by the same shell, he sent assistance to his officer with such promptness and skill that he undoubtedly saved him from bleeding to death. No praise can be too high for this man's conduct."

Councilor Wiggins expressed his great appreciation of the noble deeds that the men had done, and the honour they had bestowed on themselves and the town, and hoped they would live long and conduct themselves in civil life in such a manner as to be a further honour to themselves and the community at large. He further spoke in the highest terms of the work that had been done in the town by the civilian population, and he especially commended the Padiham Women's Emergency Association, who had done great work.

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On April 27th the 9th Battalion took over P.41/2 to Hill 380, west of Lake Doiran. April 28th was a day of heavy and sometimes intense shelling. Lt Purves and 9 men killed. Rollo, Witham (Officers but no rank given) and 36 men wounded. Following 2 days were comparatively quiet but still had 3 killed and 26 wounded by shell-fire. 1st May was very hot and the evening brought more heavy shelling which cost the lives of Chowne and 3 men, with Coaks, Young and 26 wounded. 2nd May relieved and moved back to Kidney Hill

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My great uncle Percy Marsden served with 9th Battalion, King's Own Royal Lancaster Regimentand died 14/09/1916. Can you tell me what happened on that day?? Thanks

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Thanks for the quick reply connaughtranger - but where did that info come from ? And where can I find out more information maps etc. Thanks

It came from the history of the East Lancs by Nicholson 1936. The map I have of the Lake Dojran was prepared for the 1st Battle of Dojran in April 1917 and covers the ground from Jumeaux Ravine to the Lake south of the town. I'll see if there is a more relevant one somewhere



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My great uncle Percy Marsden served with 9th Battalion, King's Own Royal Lancaster Regimentand died 14/09/1916. Can you tell me what happened on that day?? Thanks

Hi Val,

Sorry for the delayed reply! (And apologies to everyone else for hijacking this thread!)

14 September 1916 was the day of the Battle of Machukovo.

65th Brigade (9/King's Own, 9/East Lancs, 14/King's Liverpool and 12/Lancashire Fusiliers) and 11/Royal Welsh Fusiliers from 67th Brigade attempted to capture fortified hills called Piton des Mitrailleuses and Dorsale from the German 59th Regiment near the village of Machukovo (now Evzoni, near the Greece/FYROM border, about 8 miles north of Karasouli Cemetery where your Great Uncle Percy is buried).

12/Lanc Fus and 14/King's lead the attack, 9/East Lancs guarded the right flank and 11/RWF the left flank, while 9/King's Own was held in reserve.

The attack was launched at about 2am, after an artillery barrage, and the hills were quickly taken. However, from 7am the Germans & Bulgarians began shelling the positions, and after a counter-attack the battalions were forced to withdraw after 4pm and reached their own lines by 10pm.

9/King's Own in reserve was tasking with "providing carrying parties", in the words of the Official History, so probably bringing up supplies and ammunition and carrying back the wounded.

9/East Lancs, 14/King's and 12/Lanc Fus lost about 50% of their men killed and wounded, while 11/RWF's casualties were light.

As far as I can tell (I don't have the actual figures), 9/King's Own lost very few. Apart from your Great-Uncle Percy, there is only one other man of his battalion buried at Karasouli who died on the same day and about 4 or 5 who died of wounds over the next 5 days.

The battalion's War Diary will doubtless have a lot more detail!

Is that Percy on the right in the photo in the "Another Cap Badge" thread? A fine young man!

Regards from Salonika,



PM me your email address if you'd like a fullsize copy!

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  • 8 years later...


I am new to the site and very late to respond to this! I stumbled across your post and was wondering if you ever got some pictures? I have a few. My g.grandfather was in the 9 th East Lancs and served in Salonica. If you still use the site, message and I will get them uploaded.

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