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Medal Rolls index


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Can anyone please tell me what "PD" means on a soldier's British Army WW1 medal Rolls index card. I believe this man was shot, with his brother, for refusing to be in a firing squad to shoot a deserter. Thank you

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Difficult without seeing the context it's written in but I assume it's in the remarks sections and means "Presumed Dead". Seen it written either DP or PD. Can you give us more details, name, regiment etc.?



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Difficult without seeing the context it's written in but I assume it's in the remarks sections and means "Presumed Dead". Seen it written either DP or PD. Can you give us more details, name, regiment etc.?



Dear Steve,

Thank you for your help. The names of the two brothers were Horace Greville Mayer, Lance Corporal, Service number TF/1744, he was in the 1st/8th Middlesex Regiment. he died 26.04.1915. Are you going to look up his medal rolls index card? If so could you please explain what all the numbers and letters are on the card? Also was he promoted from Private to Lance Corporal, or demoted. I thought the latter as it was second in the list.

The other brother was Arthur Henry Mayer, it his card that says PD on it. He was a Private in the 1st/8th Middlesex regiment, the same as his brother. His service number was TF/2470 and he also died on 26.04.1915. They both seemed to go to war together - well one day apart. They are both commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial. Any information you can give us would be greatly appreciated.

I think TF means the Territorial Force.

Thank you.

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Some of Arthur Henry Mayer's service record is available on Ancestry. He was reported missing after action at Zonnebeke on 26/04/1915 and his death accepted as being on or since that date by the War Office. PD is therefore confirmed as Presumed Dead.

Using Geoff's search engine it shows that the brothers were two of twenty eight deaths recorded for the 1st/8th Middlesex that day.



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could you please explain what all the numbers and letters are on the card?


The references against the medals you refer to are the Army Medal Office references for the respective soldier's entry in the medal roll itself and these may contain some additional information that’s not shown on the medal index card. The medal rolls are held at the National Archives, Kew in the WO329 series and are not available online, you or your representative will need to view them there. The AMO references can be translated into their respective WO329 piece numbers using an index at Kew.

Horace G Mayer

Victory & British War Medals – E/1/102 B37 Page 6318

1914/15 Star – E/1/6 B1 Page 600

Arthur H Mayer

Victory & British War Medals – E/1/102 B38 Page 6353

1914/15 Star – E/1/6 B1 Page 635



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The references against the medals you refer to are the Army Medal Office references for the respective soldier's entry in the medal roll itself and these may contain some additional information that's not shown on the medal index card. The medal rolls are held at the National Archives, Kew in the WO329 series and are not available online, you or your representative will need to view them there. The AMO references can be translated into their respective WO329 piece numbers using an index at Kew.

Horace G Mayer

Victory & British War Medals – E/1/102 B37 Page 6318

1914/15 Star – E/1/6 B1 Page 600

Arthur H Mayer

Victory & British War Medals – E/1/102 B38 Page 6353

1914/15 Star – E/1/6 B1 Page 635



Dear Steve,

Thank you so much for all the information and the time you have taken to reply. Can I ask you one more question, please - What and where is Geoff's search engine, would I be able to access it? No need to reply quickly as I am going away for a few days.

Thank you again.

Best wishes from Jayden

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No problem :D


I forgot to mention, if you want Arthur Henry's Service file I have downloaded it from Ancestry and can forward it if required (all I need is your email address).



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No problem :D


I forgot to mention, if you want Arthur Henry's Service file I have downloaded it from Ancestry and can forward it if required (all I need is your email address).



Thank you and David for your help. I have already downloaded Arthur's service file, but thank you for the offer and all your help.


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