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Help needed with Service Record


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Can you help with this service record?

See questions in brackets

10/02/1916 Attested aged 20 years.

25/03/1916 Mobilized

25/03/1916 Posted to 3/7th DLI

30/03/1916 Posted to 3/7th DLI

11/07/1916 Posted to 1/7th DLI [50th Div]

12/07/196 Embarked Ship for France

13/07/1916 Landed in France (Boulogne)

03/09/1916 Posted to 3/4th Y&L

03/09/1916 Posted to 2nd Y&L

06/09/1916 Joined 2nd Y&L [6th Div]

16/09/1917 "Wounded (Shell Shock). Admitted Contusion Abdomen" – 14 CPo CP {WHAT IS CPo CP}

18/09/1917 Admitted "Contusion Abdomen) – 48 CCS [in Ytres during this period]

19/09/1917 Admitted with "Contusion Abdomen" - 10 Gen Hosp [Rouen]

23/10/1916 Joined 34 IBD [infantry BaseDepot]

06/11/1916 Rejoined 2nd Y&L

21/01/1917 "To Torpedo School" {WHAT IS A TORPEDO SCHOOL}

28/01/1917 Rejoined 2nd Y&L

06/02/1917 To hospital

08/02/1917 Admitted ICT [inflamed Connective Tissue] – 16th Field Ambulance [associated with 6th Div]

09/02/1917 Admitted ICT [unreadable] - 17th FA [associated with 6th Div]

26/02/1917 Admitted ICT - 3? CCS

09/03/1917 To England – Camiers [near Etaples] on Antwerpen [belgian Mail Steamer used as hospital ship]

10/03/1917 Landed in England

10/03/1917 Posted to Depot Y&L

21/04/1917 Posted to 3rd Y&L

22/04/1917 Posted to 2rd Res. Bn. Y&L

30/05/1917 Embarked Folkestone

30/05/1917 Landed in France (Boulogne)

30/05/1917 Joined 34th IBD

30/05/1917 Posted to 10th Y&L

15/06/1917 Posted to 8th Y&L [23rd Div]

16/06/1917 Joined 8th Y&L

08/08/1917 Appointed unpaid L-Cpl. 8th Y&L

17/09/1917 Wounded in Action

18/09/1917 Admitted "SW Abdomen, face & ear" – 6th Australian Field Ambulance

18/09/1917 Admitted ditto – 3rd Canadian CCS

20/09/1917 Admitted "SW abrasion face & ear – mild" 14th General Hospital (Wimereux) [N. of Boulogne]

23/09/1917 1st Can. Depot (B'au) {WHERE IS B'AU}

08/10/1917 Joined 34th Infantry Base Depot, Etaples

~14/10/1917 Rejoined 8th Y&L

10/11/1917 Entrained France

10/11/1917 Landed in Italy

15/11/1917 Detrained Italy

??/??/?? Admitted 70th Field Ambulance with Diorrhea

09/02?/1918 ????? – 23rd ???? – 23 ??? {CAN ANYONE DECIPHER}

18?/02?/1918 ????? - ?Gremona – 24 ??? {CAN ANYONE DECIPHER}

17/02?/18 ???? – Liro D'Albaro - ?Can. Dep.? {CAN ANYONE DECIPHER}

09/04/1918 ????? - ?Vaja? Camp {CAN ANYONE DECIPHER}

29/04/1918 Admitted - ?Serinva? {CAN ANYONE DECIPHER}

??/05/1918 Joined ?Vara? Camp {CAN ANYONE DECIPHER}

26/05/1918 To "B" Personnel – Vaja Camp {WHAT WOULD "B" PERSONNEL BE?}

S1.77 on strength {WHAT DOES THIS MEAN}

07/07/18 Joined In B IBD . Sn. B. Lens. {WHAT DOES THIS MEAN}

25/10/1918 To ?Ciesiare Camp – Lich Base Depot (WHERE IS THIS? WHAT IS LICH BASE DEPOT}

07/11/1918 GHQ ?Kein Camp – {WHERE IS THIS}

01/07/1918 Granted Class 1 P.Pay – R/P York {WHAT IS CLASS 1 P.PAY}

20/11/1918 Rejoined Bn.

25/03/1919 Appointed paid L-Cpl. 8th Y&L

30/03/1919-14/04/1919 15 days leave (via Le Havre)

15/04/1919 Landed in Italy

26/07/1919 Promoted Corporal 8th Y&L

14/09/1919 Landed in Malta

22/10/1919 Landed in England

10/12/1919 Discharged to "Z" Class


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