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C6 Cordon Rouge Tank


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Anybody got a picture of the C Tank Battalion Tank C6 Cordon Rouge that they would be kind in posting so that I can use it in some research I am doing.



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There is a good photo of C6 after the battle of Flers Courcelette on page 133 of Trever Pidgeon's book "The Tanks at Flers". C6 was at that time commanded by 2/Lt J Allen and with C5 (Capt Inglis)attacked the Sugar Factory at Courcelette in support of the Canadians. The battleground europe series "Courcellette" by Paul Reed is another good book which details

Allens after battle report on page 50.

Let me know if you don't have Pidgeons book


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Thks I borrowed it from the library awhile and will get it out.

Question I though the driver of C6 was Lt John ALLAN not Allen. My research shows ALLAN what does the book show??



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The Canadian Corps war diary records 2/Lt. John Allen as the commander of C6. Here is a view of the tank (courtesy of the Canadian War Memorial), probably taken on the Albert - Bapaume road.


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Thks I borrowed it from the library awhile and will get it out.

Question I though the driver of C6 was Lt John ALLAN not Allen. My research shows ALLAN what does the book show??



Driver and commander are not the same thing. Allen would be the commander - someone else would have driven the tank.

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Hi I am right the Commander was Lt John ALLAN not Allen. See page 210 of The Tanks at Fler bu Pidgeon and the MIC at NA.

He was killed later on with B Bn see CWGC site.

In the tank was 9 on board including ALLAN

2749 Cpl F Vyvyan

2668 Gnr H J Bedford

2772 Gnr A F Jakins

2640 Gnr W Jones

2751 Gnr C Kilminster

2626 Gnr V C Newby

2633 Gnr E A Hunt

T4/141180 Pte J Barton ASC

Barton would have been the driver


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I think Allen and Allan are too similar when writing a report when at war. The biggest mistake is in Trevor Pidgeons book one minute he is calling him Lt J Allan and then the next three times it is Allen. Looks like he took the Allen from the war reports and never crossed checked it.

Will hold nothing against him as a cracking book The Tanks at Fler and well worth reading several times over.


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Just to be awkward, there were two tank officers, one called John Allan - who fought at Flers and a John Allen.

C6 was commanded by the first and his MC citation - as extracted from the LG dasted 14 Nov 1916, is shown here

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The John Allen you mentioned is this the one from 6th Batt a capt who won MC (not with tanks) and was WIA at 8th Oct 1918???


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