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No.3 Naval Wing, RNAS

J Banning

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I have some letters from a chap who flew in No.3 Naval Wing, RNAS dated 10 Feb and 17 April 1917 and am interested as to where he was based at this time. The April letter mentions a raid over Germany where they crossed the Rhine.

Any ideas gratefully welcomed.



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No.3 Wing RNAS was a strategic bombing wing, based at Luxeiul Les Bains with an advanced base at Ochey. Thw Wing's duties were to bomb strategic targets in Germany - a job that was opposed at every opportunity by the RFC who maintained it was not the task of the RNAS to do that sort of work.

No. 3 Wing was disbanded on 30th June 1917.


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Many thanks for the comprehensive answer.

I have just found another one - I don't suppose you know where No.4 Squadron R. F. C. were flying from in May 1917 do you? For some reason I appear to have noted that it may be Abeele (but have put a question mark next to it so obviously not sure). Any ideas?

Thanks again

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Hi Jeremy,

4 RFC moved to Warloy on 28/02/17 and to Abeele on 30/05/17, remaining there until 18/11/17. They were equipped with various models of the Quirck.



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The Wing's duties were to bomb strategic targets in Germany

A task the RNAS had been carrying out since September 1914.

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JEREMY, awards to 3 Sqdn & 4 Sqdn RNAS for April 1917 ;

SHOOK Alexander M DSC Flt.Cdr. RNAS 85T237 & 238 No. 4 Squadron

Vice Admiral Dover 01.01.18 Gazetted

R.N.A.S. Officers - Flanders 20-21.10.17 DSO

Whilst leading a patrol on the 21st October, 1917, he observed a good many Albatross scouts to the S.E., of Ghistelles. The formation attacked them, but were also attacked by a considerable number of hostile machines of a new type - a biplane with a rotary engine. He fired several bursts at one of the Albatross machines, and observed it to spin and then turn right over on its back, and go down completely out of control. Flt. Cdr. Shook, although wounded in the chest, succeeded in bringing his machine back to the aerodrome, landing it safely. He has led over 30 combats in the air and has destroyed ten enemy machines. He is a magnificent Flight Leader and much of the success acheived by his flight is due to his brilliant leadership.

BELL Bertram C N/E Flt.Lt. RNAS 85T059 No. 3 Sqdn. R.N.A.S

C-in-C France 21.04.17 Gazetted

R.N.A.S. Officers - France 17.03.17 DSO

For conspicuous bravery and skill in attacking hostile aircraft.Since the 1st February, 1917, he has taken part in fourteen ariel combats, notably :- On the 17th March, 1917, on two different occasions during the same offensive patrol he attacked and drove down hostile machines, one completely out of control an dthe other in flames. The one driven down in flames fell north-east of Bapaume, and the other near Ecourt-St-Mein.


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Jeremy, sorry got `muxtip' re RNAS & RFC here's one for latter ;

DALLAS Roderic S DSC Sq.Cdr. RNAS 86V065

Liaison Officer No. 4 Wing R.F.C

C-in-C France Despatch 07.11.17 11.12.17 Gazetted(M)

France 26.02.17 - 20.09.17 Mentioned in Despatches

For distinguished and gallant services and devotion to duty for the period 26th February, to 20th September, 1917.


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