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Robert Butler RN


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Can anyone explain the following details on Robert Butler's service records?


23.12.15 Attached to 4th Battn. 4/2691.

04.01.16 Drafted from 4th Battn, to sea draft battn, depot

March 1916 Misc Batt FT/629

04.04.16 Drafted from Sea Service coy, depot, (629FT) to Portsmouth

07.04.16 Enrolment form sent to A.G.9

13.05 19 W.G. Cert to A.G.9b



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Hello Mark,

I think that I'm right in saying that you are reading the back of a small card, which, on the front has his name, occupation, civil employment, nok etc etc?

If so, Robert was in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.

"Mersey" refers to the area of enlistment (i.e. Liverpool/Lancashire)

From 23/12/1915 to 4/1/1916 he was attached to the Royal Naval Division, then selected for sea service, served at a depot for a while, and eventually on 4/4/1916 attached to Portsmouth.

That being the case you will find at The National Archives in London, somewhere in file ADM337 (according to surname) a further service record file, detailing his various attachments and any sea service.

The final line on the card relates to his War Gratuity (WG). His service record in ADM337 will give his final date of discharge.

Someone else will surely give you further details on the various abbreviations, but the next step is to obtain his full service record. There will be plenty more to decipher and decode there as well!


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This man never made it to the RND proper. The "4th Battalion" menioned is the 4th Training Battalion at the Crystal Palace Depot ("depot"), in which he served for only 12 days over Xmas/New Year. 4/2961 is his Ship's Book number for pay and admin purposes.

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You should find his sea service record in ADM 337/52 Mersey Z701-Z1200. These are in service number order.

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Hi All

Thanks for the info, yes the info is off a card which was obtained from TNA online, Robert Butler was my Mothers Uncle and I've also been told that he drowned in WW1? and I've just ben given a death date of 15/5/1916 which is only about a month or so after he joined???

If the next step is his service record, I'll have to wait a few months until I visit London, I do a bit of running and will be going down in the spring to do the London Marathon, so will make a trip to TNA on the monday!! Thanks for the help I'll put this on hold until April



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Initials: R

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Able Seaman

Regiment/Service: Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve

Unit Text: H.M. Trawler "Lily Melling."

Age: 20

Date of Death: 15/05/1916

Service No: Mersey Z/917

Additional information: Son of Robert and Agnes Butler, of 6, Thurnham Terrace, Glasson Dock, Lancaster,.

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: 19.


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This is the record that was referred to in post #5, which was written before these records became available online. See their information page:


It would be an original source giving cause of death. As he went "to Portsmouth," Victory as his ship would probably feature.

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Hi All

Thanks for all the help I down loaded to service record and obviously there isn't much as he was only on the ship for a matter of weeks!! The record just says cause of death drowning, not sure if I'll ever find how it actually happened?



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