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TP rolls for 20th London

paul leeson

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I had 2 Great Uncles both in the 20th London. Their MIC's both ref to roll TP20/107B. Logical for the 20th London a T.F. regiment. I have just noticed my Grandfather who was in the RGA refs to roll TP/102.B.7. yet all the other RGA gunners and officers I have researched ref to a RGA roll. Does anyone know why his would be different ? Thank you in advance.

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All the TP/102 references I've seen have been for the medal rolls of the Royal Defence Corps. Was your Grandfather transferred to them after service with the RGA?

What was your Grandfather's name? if you don't mind me asking.


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The rolls references relate to the regiment/corps the chap was serving with at the end of the war. A man could start in the RGA, transfer to the MGC then on to the Labour Corps..... his Star (if due) would state the reg/corps he initially disembarked in to the theatre of war and BWM/Vic would should the last.


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His name was Gnr. John (Jack) Leeson R.G.A. (96749).

After being wounded and medically down graded, he was transferred to the Labour Corp and then the RDC.

His discharge certificate states he was by then a Private (78043) in 166th Protection Company, Royal Defence Corps. His medical classification on discharge was B2 and his place of rejoining in case of emergency was the R.D.C. Depot at 24 Sun St. London E.C.2.

Interesting as his medals are engraved with is RGA rank and number.

Thank you.

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That all makes perfect sense then.

Medals were issued by the last unit that a man served with, in this instance the Royal Defence Corps and that is why he appears on their Rolls with the TP/102 B7... reference.

The medals will however be marked with the details of the unit that he first served overseas with, in this instance Royal Garrison Artillery. I think I'm correct in saying that if he was awarded a 'Star' that will have the rank, number and unit he first served overseas with, the BWM and Victory will be the same but with the highest rank attained during his service.



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