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You can get a nice collection from Library and Archives Canada but you have to order them as they do not appear to be on-line, but here is the list:


Or the new book from the Canadian War Museum:


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I`m struck by the fact that, even as a field marshal, he didn`t wear copious rows of medal ribbons. Presumably there are many more he could have worn - foreign awards etc?

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The most highly decorated portrait, of which I have seen a photograph, is that by Sir Wiliam Orpen for Brasenose College. He is in blues with a star but still no medals. I have seen photographs of him in full rig in 1912 with fore and aft hat and a star with ribbons. Even in the Victory march of 1918, he is in kahki with two rows of ribbons. I have never seen a picture with him wearing medals, only ribbons. Perhaps George has one?

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Here`s an earlier one.http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.firstworldwar.com/photos/graphics/gw_haig_03.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.firstworldwar.com/photos/commanders4.htm&h=2241&w=1600&sz=160&hl=en&start=19&um=1&usg=__WCtnsCDjkLKPpgX7zKJFjJPTq7g=&tbnid=lAZoRAPImY1nBM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=107&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhaig%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

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That is most unlike Haig, George. Pockets unbuttoned, he would have been less than amused at that picture being distributed! I wonder if there is one of him on the links?

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anychance of you e-mailing me a copy of your last posted picture of Haig?

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One quick reverse job in Paint later...


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He certainly looks a bit disheveled Tom - don't know the reason, but I don't think it's a visit to the front that's the cause, as he's not wearing a pistol as he invariably did on such inspections. It looks like some kind of tin shed in the background. Maybe a visit to a training area? The Froggie postcard publisher was obviously a careless Johnnie as shown by his having reversed the negative. But maybe it's his carelessness we've got to thank for the selection of such a candid shot. Then again, maybe the intention was to make the chief Rosbif look a bit shabby! Nicely reversed to the right aspect, Andrew - the script looks Russian in reverse, how did you get that to stay true? Anyway, here's Douggie as turned out when Secrett was on the ball, taken in Canada in 1924 in the grounds of Government House:


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Nicely reversed to the right aspect, Andrew - the script looks Russian in reverse, how did you get that to stay true?

The eagle-eyed will spot the join where I only reversed the lower part of the image, leaving the upper part untouched and therefore still readable... ;)

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I saw a photo in a book in the library today showing Haig inspecting Boy Scouts in 1924 and wearing trousers with his uniform. It struck me that I`d always seen him wearing riding boots before.

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