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Just received my lastest purchase,the first 10 volumes of the Tank Corps Journal 1919-1929, a wonderful publication containing hundreds of articals,many of which are first hand accounts of tank actions of the great War,plus all the usual gossip from the tank corps of this period.

regards John

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Hi John

Where did you get them?

I am interested in the Tank Workshop Training Battalion at Wareham-Bovington 1921-1923 - my GF was a Military Policeman assigned to them in some capacity, and I would be really interested to know if there is anything about the BTN therein.


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That really is a great find. Would you mind looking up if there is anything about the few tanks that were involved in the 9th April 1917 attacks around Arras? I would be interested in any first hand accounts. Key words are Railway Triangle, Telegraph Hill, The Harp and Neuville-Vitasse.

That would be fantastic!! :D

Thank you


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numerous mentions {each volume contains about 350 pages} photograghs of the cricket team etc etc

each volume is bound with the tank corp badge blocked in gold, it would appear every conceivable aspect of the corp to date is covered

every unit is covered in each volume including the armoured car battalions, each month making a contribution to the magazine.

Found them on the net, paid less for the whole 10 than a single volume was sold for on Ebay about a month ago.

best regards John

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That really is a great find. Would you mind looking up if there is anything about the few tanks that were involved in the 9th April 1917 attacks around Arras? I would be interested in any first hand accounts. Key words are Railway Triangle, Telegraph Hill, The Harp and Neuville-Vitasse.

That would be fantastic!! :D

Thank you


it will be there somewhere!!!as there is a great deal on the great war i will have look, there are some realy obscure unit histories mentioned which have never been published eg 1st tank battalion

best regards John

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That would be superb. I reckon there must be a lot there so I will not be holding my breath - when you get time!!



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That really is a great find. Would you mind looking up if there is anything about the few tanks that were involved in the 9th April 1917 attacks around Arras? I would be interested in any first hand accounts. Key words are Railway Triangle, Telegraph Hill, The Harp and Neuville-Vitasse.

That would be fantastic!! :D

Thank you


yes involves 3rd light tank battalion, lists tanks, who commanded them,what their part was in the action and the outcome, the harp receives numerous mentions {this is just in volume 4}

best regards John

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi John

Just came across your post regarding the Tank Journals. I have been researching a Lt. William Ribchester who was commissioned into the Tank Corps from MGC on the 29/9/1917 and joined 13th Bn on the 21/10/1917. I think he was trained at Bovington before crossing over to France. He was sent to the T & R Depot, Blingel (Pas de Calais area west of Arras ) on the 6th January 1918 for a reconnaissance course and rejoined the 13th Bn on the 21st January. He was involved in the Battle of the Woods action on the 23rd August 1918 where he was wounded. I have a couple of reports on the action, one he wrote himself and one written by the C.O. of the Australian battalion he was supporting. He was a professional footballer prior to enlisting and may have played for the Corps. I was wondering if he got a mention in the early journals, if you happen to come across him I would appreciate a nod. I think he was discharged in mid 1919. If you are interested in the battle reports please let me know and I will copy them for you.

Ian McCallum

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Ian i will have a look for you, the problem is the vast amount of information contained in each of the volumes, each of which comprises of 12 monthly journals with a very basic index system.They make fasinating reading!!

best regards John

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Hi John

Thanks for your efforts. I know exactly where your coming from, I have the Regimental Jounals for the Cameron Highlanders 1914 - 1918, in addition to the usual journal entries they contain list after list of non alphabetical order KIA, DOW, Wounded, Missing etc, etc. I have to work myself up to do the look ups. So I do appreciate your help.


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  • 6 months later...
Just received my lastest purchase,the first 10 volumes of the Tank Corps Journal 1919-1929, a wonderful publication containing hundreds of articals,many of which are first hand accounts of tank actions of the great War,plus all the usual gossip from the tank corps of this period.

regards John

Any reference to the 3 Armoured Car Company in Mespotamia I am looking for a reference to George Grapes

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