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I'm on leave Yarhoooooooooooooooo!

Graham Smith



Dear reader,

If you listen very hard you may be able to hear the sound of the big key in my back slowly unwinding...

What's the fool on about?

I'm on annual leave........Oh Yes indeed.....Not back at the workhouse till Feb 12th....I can feel the 'stress' oooozing out of me, as I unwind.

SITREP on the workhouse........The madness continues......Do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that, change of mind do it again.......Lets move the bl**dy goalposts, lets re-invent the wheel, lets call most of the cops neighbourhood teams, they can have meetings with the council and dole out 'there, there' cream to all those people who have to live next door to scumbags.

We can then have a load of jeans and T-shirt squads feeling very important ,dealing with the druggy types and leave half a dozen blokes to answer the 999 calls so they are rushed off their feet all day every day. Lets then wonder why blokes are forced onto 'light duties' cos of blood pressure problems. Why are plods going sick? HELLO the sharp end troops are knackered that's why!!

Sorry rant mode kicked in there due to faulty operator, forgive me...

Stuff it, switch it back on.....I'm on a roll here.......

I have only ever had two jobs since leaving school, I've been plod for the past 27 years and I just wonder if 'management' are the same in other public service sectors.

Policing is to my way of thinking a very very simple job.....You catch the bad guys and send them to the courts.....If they get caught enough times the court get p*ssed off with them and send them away.

However that simple equation tends to get lost in red tape/do good/touchy feely cr*p (sound like the Detective off the thin Blue line there) "Manby Panby, Wishy Washy, Hoity Toity" :lol:

I could write a book about the nonsense that is modern policing, sadly someone has beaten me to it!


Well it's been a very unhappy Wolfers half of the Black Country, after we were well and truely stuffed by sandwell united 3-0. So thats my team out the FA cup.

Wolverhampton saw street riots with Wolves 'fans' having a go at plod and any sandwell fans they could get at.

Thank goodness dear reader that I was having a Duvet day (after nights) so i missed the after match brawl.....Only 600 officers on duty and it still wasn't enough to stop the 70's throw back to AGGRO days.

Any way here I am at mission control with digits dancing across the keyboard in a couldn't give a t*ss way.

Wifey and dughter are off up the shops. Boy child is at work and I got the place to myself. BLISS :rolleyes:

Now if only I could take the phone off the hook and not have to hear the trials and tribulations of the 'family' it would be 'perfek'

Well that's enough for one day dear reader, please take care out there, its a mad, mad world

May your God look after you



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I have only ever had two jobs since leaving school, I've been plod for the past 27 years and I just wonder if 'management' are the same in other public service sectors.

I don't know - bloomin' moanin' public servants - what are they like :blink:

Only kidding Graham. Ex-public servant here, still observing the crazy world that is the modern public service. You're not alone; ask anyone in: teaching, NHS, local govt, civil service (and all the agencies which replaced the civil service), etc etc etc. This is the 21st century, and you're all run by jargon-spouting consultants today, mate.


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yes I fear that you are correct :huh:

God only knows how much of the public purse is wasted on management seminars

and other trick'circus' think tanks.

I have 2 years and 10 months to go (not that I'm counting ;) ) Can't wait to get out of it all


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This is the 21st century, and you're all run by jargon-spouting consultants today, mate.


You forgot to mention that they all wear next suits and ties and are fond of euphenism. Eg challenging behaviour replaces 'right wee B****' in modern educational parlance.


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