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Friday, 25th October 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 79



100 YEARS AGO TODAY: Canada's Hundred Days - 79.


The Battle of the Selle, begun October 17 and involving the British First, Third and Fourth Armies as well as the Second American Corps, comes to an end, Friday, 25th October 1918.

From 14th October 1914 to 19th October 1918, Bruges was occupied by the Germans, with Admiral von Schroeder as Military Governor.  After stripping the town of everything that could be carried off, and blowing up the bridges, the enemy left the town.  Fortunately, the chimes in the belfry were left untouched, and as the Germans hurriedly departed, a peal rang out joyously.  Flags and banners were taken from their hiding-places and hung in the streets and squares.  "Bruges-the-dead" became "Bruges-the-living-and-joyful".


On Friday, 25th October 1918, amid indescribable enthusiasm, and to the strains of "La Brabançonne" and "La Marseillaise" ringing out on the old belfry chimes, King Albert, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Leopold, accompanied by the General Staff, General Degoutte and Admiral Ronarc'h, re-entered the liberated city of Bruges.


Imperial War Museum photos captured Friday, 25th October 1918.


Library and Archives Canada


61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery


Lieutenant Abner Gladstone Virtue - 61st Fld Bty


A video of today's photos are to be found on my FaceBook page:https://www.facebook.com/edward.walshe.566/videos/367734867306764/




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