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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

WW1 Pension numbering

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A look at the pensions of WW1.

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Disability pension numbering Class Z 1918/1919

In December 1918 the Class Z system was introduced by the army.  This system, which released huge numbers of men very quickly, created a reserve of soldiers who would be recalled quickly to the army if the armistice was to break down.   Many of the men who were discharged to the Class Z reserve had claims to pensions for disability - presumably an assessment was made that this disability would not prevent the man being useful to the army again in future.   The Class Z system



Disability pension numbering 1918/1919

From March/April 1918 the earlier numbering format used by Chelsea was replaced and a new system was introduced for those men who were being discharged from the army. Pension references in this situation were based on the regiment or corps that the man was being discharged from.   (This a is work in progress)        



Chelsea pension numbering pre 1918

Although the Ministry of Pensions (MoP) took over the functions of issuing pensions the work of Chelsea continued under the auspices of the MoP in respect of payment of pensions to disabled soldiers and those awarded a pension alongside a medal entitlement. Research in to the numbering ranges used by Chelsea demonstrate how these numbering sequences were used (and demonstrates how many cases were being processed).     The 'D' range The issuing of Chelsea Pensions in 'D'



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