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Tuesday 25 June 1918



5th Divisional Artillery


14th Brigade C.F.A.


61st Field Battery

Now, I don't believe my grandfather was sick with Spanish Influenza's first wave.  
He will be deathly ill with the flu in Spring of 1919, which means he should have been immune if this was the Spanish Flu.


Bishop Fallon


25 Jun 18 MIKAN 3522197 A Major of the 22nd Battalion. June, 1918

I'll owe you a beer if you identify the Major!


IWM Q8974 John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, inspecting troops of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.


IWM Q8975 John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, inspecting troops of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.


IWM Q8976 John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, inspecting troops of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.


IWM Q8977 John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, inspecting troops of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.


IWM Q8978 John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, inspecting troops of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.


IWM Q8979 John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, decorating a corporal of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.


IWM Q8980 John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, decorating a sergeant of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment with the DCM at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.

This would be Sergeant C. Curnew, earning the MM (not the DCM) for actions near Armentieres.

According to the Adjutant & Captain A. Raley, also presented medals by the G.O.C. IX Corps on this day were:

(Note the Adjutant's War Diary has this as May 25th, not June 25th as per IWM annotations)


Bar to the Military Medal:  978 Pte J. Hagen (Now Lance-Corporal)


Military Medal:

3187 Pte F. Rendell

1700 Pte N. Yetman

958 Pte R. Saunders

2786 Pte (L/C) P. Sullivan

1368 Pte (L/C) M. Brazil

2473 Pte J. Goose

3612 Pte. S. White

3498 Pte. G. Thomas

3362 Pte. H. Snow



IWM Q8981 John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, decorating troops of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.

Pte F. Rendell, 1700 Pte N. Yetman, 958 Pte R. Saunders, 2786 Pte (L/C) P. Sullivan, 1368 Pte (L/C) M. Brazil, 2473 Pte J. Goose, 3612 Pte. S. White, 3498 Pte. G. Thomas, 3362 Pte. H. Snow



IWM Q8982 NCOs and men of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, who were decorated by John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.

Pte F. Rendell, 1700 Pte N. Yetman, 958 Pte R. Saunders, 2786 Pte (L/C) P. Sullivan, 1368 Pte (L/C) M. Brazil, 2473 Pte J. Goose, 3612 Pte. S. White, 3498 Pte. G. Thomas, 3362 Pte. H. Snow


IWM Q8983 John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, in conversation with an officer at his inspection of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.


IWM Q8984 Troops of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment cheering John R. Bennett, the Newfoundland Minister of Militia, after his inspection of the Regiment at Ecuires, 25 June 1918.




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