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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Edward William Williams

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Guest mossoffice@btconnect.com

My grandfather's brother (Edward William Williams) was a soldier in and maybe for a while before and /or after WW1. My mother remembers a photo of him wearing tartan trews.

I have found a medal card for Edward W Williams of 1/ High LI. Can anyone help me find more dertails about him so I can check if this is the right one? He was in India at some point as my mother remembers things in their home that he'd brought home from India.

Thanks to anyone who can help in advance.




have you seen the back of the card ?

some soldiers papers are on ancestry or held at the NA Kew



Welcome to the forum.

I can't say for definite you have the right man but if you're correct about him serving before the war (and in India) that is consistant at least with the 1st Bn Highland Light Infantry who were stationed in India at the outbreak of the war.

A few details quoted directly from the LLT mothersite.......

"1st Battalion Highland Light Infantry

August 1914 : in Ambala, India. Part of the Sirhind Brigade, the 3rd (Lahore) Division.

Moved to France via Egypt, landing at Marseilles 1 December 1914 (some weeks after the other Brigades of the Division).

Moved to Mesopotamia December 1915.

January 1917 left the Division and moved to the Tigris Defences.

September 1917 : attached to 51st Brigade, 17th Indian Division in Mesopotamia, where it then remained."



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