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Application to become an officer

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I'm transcribing my GGF's diaries and have come across a reference to a form which I can't quite make out.

He was a private hoping for a commision and had been passed an 'ordinary blue form' to fill in.

He then had to get signed off by the doctor.


It looks to me like 'leom' form,

I'd be greatful for any some help and any info on how the process worked.



I agree Com Form completion or Commission who was he writing to though?



Its easy to see once you know! Thanks guys.

My GGF recorded his experience in the war (from setting off for france to returning home wounded) in his 'diary' which he sent home to his mother each week. She then transcribed the letters into a series of notebooks. He started in the 15th londons and did eventually become a Lieutenant with the 2nd Northants.

I'm hoping to have everything transcribed in time to be submitted to the archive project at oxford, I estimate I have another 20 hours of typing to go though!


It refers to the "application for commission" form. He had to get it signed by his CO, MO, a character witness and a standard of education witness. He would also have been interviewed, probably by his brigade commander (I am assuming he is infantry), before the form went off into the bowels of the army's administration.

If he was commissioned the very form should be in his service record at the National Archives.

... He had to get it signed by his CO, MO, a character witness and a standard of education witness.

Thanks Chris - that explains why the referees for a man whose record I researched were the vicar and the village schoolmaster!



Thanks very much to every one.

That make things alot clearer.

I'm transcribing my GGF's diaries and have come across a reference to a form which I can't quite make out.

He was a private hoping for a commision and had been passed an 'ordinary blue form' to fill in.

He then had to get signed off by the doctor.


It looks to me like 'leom' form,

I'd be greatful for any some help and any info on how the process worked.



The sequence of events for requesting to be considered for a battaliuon commission were roughly the same in WW.1 as they are today. So, with that said, I'll list the sequence of events (but using modern terms... its easier that way).

Sequence of events...

1) Soldier fills out General Request Form, hands it in to his tp-sgt (Troop Sergeant).

2) Tp sgt hands compleated GRF to coy sgt-maj (Company Sergeant-Major).

3) Coy sgt-maj reads GRF, pulls soldiers 'PF' (personal file), talks with coy-cdr (Company Commander).

4) Soldier is informed if his request has been denied, or, if he is to see coy-cdr to explain his reasons for making the request.

5) If request accepted, soldier visits the battalion medic to be examined to determine if the soldier is fit enough to appear before the coy-cdr if reference to the soldiers request to be considered for a battaliuon commission.

6) Soldier appears infront of coy-cdr. Soldiers tp sgt, tp officer, and possibly other charactor witnesses like the battalion padre will also be present to give their views as to why the soldier should... or should not... go forward for a battalion commission. At the end of the formal meeting, the coy-cdr will normally make his decision... either way. If the soldiers request is to be forwarded to higher authority (btn-cdr [battalion-commander]), the soldier will then start a process of more form filling and interviews. If request denied (for whatever reason), the soldier will be dismissed to carry on his normal duties. In either event, the results of the meeting will be entered into the soldiers 'PF'.

Bear in mind, that the above process, to be notified that the soldiers request has either been denied or accepted, can take several months to complete due to operational commitments. Also, the more high profile the request, the greater number of charactor witnesses are required. The soldiers battalion CO would only give a charactor reference if he, the btn-CO was passing the soldiers request higher up to Brigade level.

Has that made things a little clearer?

Seph :wacko:

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