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Herbert Wood (late Royal Flying Corp)

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Bit of a long shot, I have a photo of my Grand Father, in it he wears a side cap with R.F.C badge, also the same on collar dogs with Lieutenant pips on his shoulder, Pilot Brevet on Left breast. But cannot find anything else about him anywhere.

My late Father told me as a young Boy that he flew in Sopwith Camel and Pup Squadrons. Would anyone be able to tell me anything about Lieutenant Herbert Wood, born around 1896?? Resided Leyland Lancs, Married my Grand Mother Amy Parker in 1919. It might help if I start with his Parent Regiment if anyone would know.

Desperate for help on this one, very grey area I'm affraid as I have no surviving relatives from my Fathers side.

Many Thanks Geoff


Geoff, Born when? 1826 !!! typo error ? Ralph.


Geoff, Born when? 1826 !!! typo error ? Ralph.


Sorry mate 1896

Thanks Ralph I'll change it

Again thanks




Was he Herbert N Wood or Maurice Herbert Wood? If so I found these MIC with army/RFC connections.........






this looks very interesting, all I can go by is from his Marriage Certificate quotes Herbert Wood (no middle name)?

Is the first MIC to an officer??? Looks like O.R but not sure. Is A.V.C (Army Veternary Corps) Hmmm plot thickens, wish I had a Family member who could help

Many Thanks for your input

Cheers Geoff



Yes, the 1st one is the Vets Corps (and he's a Private). I can only assume that this chap went to the RFC and stayed a Private as no other rank is listed.

The 2nd one he was clearly a Lt in the army then a Captain in the RFC. The photo you have may have him in RFC garb but with his army rank before he was promoted?!?!

Alternatively, if your Grandfather was in the army before the RFC, it is possible that he never served abroad thus no MIC. The only other way is to possibly check him out on the RFC medal rolls at Kew.

Any chance you could post a copy of the pic?




Yes, the 1st one is the Vets Corps (and he's a Private). I can only assume that this chap went to the RFC and stayed a Private as no other rank is listed.

The 2nd one he was clearly a Lt in the army then a Captain in the RFC. The photo you have may have him in RFC garb but with his army rank before he was promoted?!?!

Alternatively, if your Grandfather was in the army before the RFC, it is possible that he never served abroad thus no MIC. The only other way is to possibly check him out on the RFC medal rolls at Kew.

Any chance you could post a copy of the pic?



Will do Les,

I have two of different poses, one with head gear the other none, both show only R.F.C collar dogs. It's hard this one

Thanks Geoff



as requested here is the first photo of my Grandfather, I will ask my Sister to forward me a copy of the other

Cheers Geoff



His RAF service papers for 1 April 1918 onwards should be in AIR 76.

The first card is to an other rank who's papers should be in AIR 79.

Btw the online MICs are army records, with only about 10% coverage for RFC/ RAF; the RAF cards have yet to be released. Cards might not be there if the man went out after 31/12/1915 and the medals were issued by the Air Ministry.

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