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Army forms-similar to, but not quite English!

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I have a copy of Army form B 103 for Pte 359315 Robert Henry KNEEN, Liverpool Scottish.

There are a number of entries that are marked as being an extract of AF W3040, I assume that this is another Army form. Can anyone tell me what it is, do such forms survive and if so where would they be?

The entries refer to attestation, going to France, being posted missing, POW and repatriation.

The last three all have reference that I would like to decipher

"30/11/17 C1419 missing"

will the reference number be from a casualty list generated by the battalion or is it something completely different.

"list n. PM 307 of 11/1/18 POW DULMAN"

"PM 351 of 4/3/18 wnd. in leg " " (indeciferable) ""

Apart from telling me he was wounded and in DULMEN camp what are the references? Indeed are they Red Cross references or something else?

"30/11/18" List 80368 of 4/12/18 St Repatriated

Emb Officers L of K n. 25 12/18"

I assume that this refers to an embarcation officer, what is his L of K. what are the references, who would have generated them?

finally I assume that the purpose of form B 103 is to help establish rights to pensions, payments, etc - can someone tell me if I'm right pse

ta v. much

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