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I am trying to compile a list of ASC service number prefixs Does anybody have any knowledge of websites books or anything else that can help?????

Guest Ian Bowbrick

M/ Mechanical Transport

R/ Remounts

S/ Supply

T/ Horse Transport

A (HT) Horse Transport Special Reserve

B (HT) Horse Transport Special Reserve TF

C (MT) Mechanical Transport Special Reserve

T1 & 2/(SR), M1 & 2/(SR) Enlisted Special Reserve for New Armies

Special Enlistments

MS Mechanical Specials

SS Supply Specials

TS Transport Specials

RS & R/TS Remount Specials

1st/2nd/3rd/4th New Armies

T1, 2, 3, 4 Horse Transport

S1, 2, 3, 4 Supply (S4 Labour)

R4, RX4 Remounts

M1, 2 Mechanical Transport

DM2 Mechanical Transport Learners

F Forage (not paid from Army Funds)

E Forage (ordinary rates of army pay)

PET Petroleum Dept

Cheers - Ian



I had a look at SDGW and noted these down, hope they are of some use.

4S/ A/ Canteen/ C.M.T/ CAT/ CHT/ CMT/ D.M.2/ DM/

DM/2/ DM2/ DN2/

E/ M1/ M2/ M.S./ M/ M3/ M4/ NAC/ Petrol/ RS4/ RX4/

R/ R4/ RTS/ RX4/

S/ SS/ S2/ S2SR/ S3/ S4/ SI/ SISR/ SRS/ T1/ T1SR/

T2SR/ T3/ TR/ TS/

T/ T/S/ T2/ T4/ TISR/ TISR1/ TR/13/ TR/7/ TR/8/ TR10/


WS4/ WT4/

Regards Doug

Guest Ian Bowbrick

The W as in WT4 stand for Welsh.



Well I've learnt something from your list,went boggy eyed doing mine. :blink::D

Regards Doug

Guest Ian Bowbrick

Goes to show the ASC wasn't just about driving lorries or horses!




Could we have a go at making a definitive list of Service number Prefixes and the meanings. If we use the ASC numbers to start us off I'll throw in as many as I can remember. I've cut and pasted the last list into mine so that you can just cut and paste it ino another document for future reference:

M/ - ASC Mechanical Transport

R/ - ASC Remounts

S/ - ASC Supply

T/ - ASC Horse Transport

A (HT) - ASC Horse Transport Special Reserve

B (HT) - ASC Horse Transport Special Reserve TF

C (MT) - ASC Mechanical Transport Special Reserve

T1 & 2/(SR) - ASC Enlisted Special Reserve for New Armies

M1 & 2/(SR) - ASC Enlisted Special Reserve for New Armies

MS - ASC Mechanical Specials

SS - ASC Supply Specials

TS - ASC Transport Specials

RS & R/TS - ASC Remount Specials

T1, 2, 3, 4 - ASC 1st/2nd/3rd/4th New Armies Horse Transport

S1, 2, 3, 4 - ASC 1st/2nd/3rd/4th New Armies Supply (S4 Labour)

R4, RX4 - ASC 1st/2nd/3rd/4th New Armies Remounts

M1, 2 - ASC Mechanical Transport

DM2 - ASC Mechanical Transport Learners

F - ASC Forage (not paid from Army Funds)

E - ASC Forage (ordinary rates of army pay)

PET - ASC Petroleum Dept

WT4 - ASC Welsh ?????

I was once led to believe, but am not sure it is correct, that DM prefixes were issued to qualfied drivers in mechanised transport. Does M2 also cover electrical mechanics?

I can add to this:

A - ASC Old Army Special Reserve

CMT - ASC Corps of Motor Transport

CHT - ASC Corps of Horse Transport

L - Prefix given to some Lancers

H - Prefix given to some Hussars

CH - Chatham Division Royal Marine Light Infantry

PO - Portsmouth Division RMLI

PLY - Plymouth Division RMLI

DEAL - Deal Division RMLI

DEPOT / D - Permanent staff at Deal Division RMLI (instructors)

RMA - Royal Marine Artillery

RME - Royal Marine Engineers

RMB - Royal Marine Band

S - Prefix given to some Scottish Regimental Numbers

K - RN Stokers

F - RN Air Service

J - RN Seaman

M - RN miscellaneous enlistments (e.g. writers etc.)

R - RNVR Royal Naval Division Prefix

AA - RNVR Anti-Aircraft Prefix

B - RNVR Bristol Division RNVR

BZ - Bristol Division RNVR wartime enlistment (?Z applies to all divisions)

C - Clyde Division RNVR

E - RNVR Birmingham Electrical Volunteers

KP - RNVR Crystal Palace Enlistment from Kitchener's New Armies

KW - RNVRCrystal Palace Enlistment from Kitchener's New Armies

KX - RNVR Crystal Palace Enlistment from Kitchener's New Armies

L - London Division RNVR

M - Mersey Division RNVR

MB - Motor Boat Reserve

MC - Mine Clearance Service

PZ - RNVR Crystal Palace Enlistment from civilian life

S - RNVR Sussex Division

SWS - RNVR Shore Wireless Service

T - Tyne Division RNVR

W - Wales Division RNVR

Y - Deferred enlistment service number RNVR (replaced by different prefix on actual enlistment)

A - RFR prefix denoting first period of enlistment

B - RFR prefix denoting second period of enlistment

C - RFR prefix denoting third period of enlistment

J - 38th, 39th, 40th Bns. Royal Fusiliers (The Judeans)

Numerical Prefixes on medals to the BEF:

3/ - 3rd (Reserve) Bn. DCLI

15/ - West Yorkshire Regiment Prefix denoting 15th Service Bn. (Leeds Pals)

Numerical Prefixes on medals to the NZEF:

1/ Samoan Advance Force

2/ Royal New Zealand Artillery

3/ New Zealand Medical Corps

4/ New Zealand Engineers

5/ New Zealand Army Service Corps

6/ Canterbury Infantry

7/ Canterbury Mounted Rifles

8/ Otago Rifles

9/ Otago Mounted Rifles

10/ Wellington Rifles

11/ Wellington Mounted Rifles

12/ Auckland Rifles

13/ Auckland Mounted Rifles

14/ Army Service Corps Divisional Train

15/ New Zealand Expeditionary Force Headquarters Staff

16/ Maori Battalion

17/ New Zealand Veterinary Corps

18/ New Zealand Chaplains Department

19/ Samoan Relief Force, Infantry

20/ Samoan Relief Force, Mounted Rifles

21/ New Zealand Army Pay Corps

22/ New Zealand Nursing Service

23/ 1st Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade

24/ 2nd Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade

25/ 3rd Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade

26/ 4th Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade

I've loads more at home, but I'll retire now to let someone else add a few.



Could we have a go at making a definitive list of Service number Prefixes and the meanings.

Here's an earlier thread on this subject... PREFIXES


Guest Ian Bowbrick

We certainly did do it before - did a list ever go onto the mother site (Chris)?


I think a list of prefixes would be a very useful addition to the mother site. Information in individual threads gets lost. Surely there must be someone willing to take on the job of collating the knowledge that exists here for Chris to publish, much as happening with the POW index.

I happy to contribute to such an effort the little I've worked out about various prefixes. BUT I'm not volunteering to lead this since I'm currently putting together details of the 1917 TF renumbering for posting on The Long, Long Trail - I hope to have this with Chris in a couple of weeks. It looks simple, just some lists of numbers, until you start to read the ACIs.

Jock Bruce

I think a list of prefixes would be a very useful addition to the mother site. Information in individual threads gets lost. Surely there must be someone willing to take on the job of collating the knowledge that exists here for Chris to publish.

I agree, especially about information being lost when being spread over individual threads. In order to combat this I will cut and paste the information from the previous thread into this one.

Prefixes have been covered before, but I can't find a comprehensive list. Certainly this thread has added some new ones since the last time this topic was approached. I'll give compiling a list to send to Chris a go if everyone keeps on adding examples they are aware of to this thread. Any clarification to existing entries would be welcome.

Best Regards


From the previous thread:

A - A.S.C. prefix denoting Old Army Special Reserve ,or

A - early wartime recruits to the K.R.R.C.,or

A - some Royal Scots Fusiliers,Scottish Rifles & A.O.C.

B - "Bankers" the prefix for 26/Royal Fusiliers or

B - some K.R.R.C. and Scottish Rifles

C - 16th Bn onwards K.R.R.C. or 1st Garrison Bn.Royal Munster Fus. (also some Middlesex Regt. & Rifle Brigade.

D - Dragoons prefix

E - "Empire battalion" (17/Royal Fusiliers)

F - "Football batallions",( 17th & 23rd Middlesex)

G - Garrison batallions (1st,2nd & 3rd )Royal Irish Fusiliers

G - British home county regiment's prefixes denoting New Army men &later

H - Hussars

J - "Judean" or "Jewish" (38th, 39th,& 40th Bns R.Fus.)

K - "Kitchener battallion"???

L - Lancers

L - Home counties regiments (regulars),some 3/South Wales Borderers and possibly also stands for "line" for some line regiments

L - there is also a suggestion that it could mean "local"

N - some R.A.M.C.

O - Rifle Brigade

P - "Police" (Military Foot Police etc.), also found on some Dragoon Guards numbers

PS - "Public Schools" (18th,19th,20th&21st Royal Fus. & 16th Middsx.)

PW - "Public Works" (18th,19th &26th Bns Middlesex Regt.)

R - Army Remount Section,A.S.C. also K.R.R.C. later recruits up to the 16th Bn.

RX - also the Army Remount Section,Army Service Corps.

S - "Supply" A.S.C.

S - wartime enlistments in Highland Regiments, 3rd Bn.men in Home Counties regiments and some Rifle Brigade,Dorset R.,Royal Munster Fus.,A.O.C, Royal Artillery & R.A.M.C.

SPTS - "Sportsmans" (23rd & 24th R.Fus.)

T (T1,T2,T3 & T4) - (horse)"Transport", Army Service Corps

T - some territorials and A.O.C.

W - "Wirral" (13th Cheshire Regt.)

W - "Welsh Artillery" (38th Division)

WR - "Waterways and Railways" (R.E.)

Y - early wartime recruits in K.R.R.C.

Z - some Rifle Brigade

TF - Territorial Force

SD = South Downs battalions of Royal Sussex Regiment (11,12,13 Bns).

K = Kensington Bn of Royal Fusiliers (22nd)

STK = Stockbrokers Bn of Royal Fusiliers (10th).

3/ = 3rd Bn. Special Reservists of the Seaforth Highlanders

With thanks to Dave, Andrew, Paul Reed and Jock Bruce.


What a fantastic response! Thanks everybody. I certainly agree that a full list of prefixes would be a very valuable asset. Blue


Some time back I started playing around with SDGW, looking at prefixes - not because I'm THAT interested but rather because I'm the type of saddo who can't resist looking for patterns in data. I stopped because it was obvious that it was in danger of becoming a serious effort and doubtless has all been done before. What little I did is attached for anyone who wants it.

References to OC are to the (now defunct ??) Old Contemptibles website - the list of prefixes that appeared on this website seems to keep getting recycled whenever this subject is discussed, with a danger of false confirmation.

I have already shared my blinding insights about AVC prefixes





It is unique to the Royal Sussex; it indicates a soldier who was a member of the Special Reserve. There are two types of prefix: 'LSR' and 'GSSR' or sometimes 'GSR'. I think the difference between the two is that with the LSR prefix the soldier may have still been under the terms of his regular army enlistment; GSSR may indicate a soldier enlisted under the terms of 'Duration of War only'.

Thanks Paul, a very useful addition. Please keep posting prefixes if you know them as I'm still compiling the list.





As of the end of September 1914 GRO 147 lists the following as the only ASC number prefixes in use:












All other number prefixes post dating these. Unfortunately, the prefixes aren't exmplained and many are not accounted for in Young's "Army Service Corps, 02-18"

Joe Sweeney

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to add new ones all the time, so please keep posting those additions. This especially applies to numeric prefixes if people know them. I seem to recall the Northumberland Fusiliers having numeric prefixes for soem battalions.

The current list is as follows, however, there are mistakes so anyone wishing to make polite corrections feel free to do so :D

Best Rgds,


/X - Royal Navy & Royal Marines After divisional letters indicates new pay code enlistment

1/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Samoan Advance Force

10/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Wellington Rifles

11/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Wellington Mounted Rifles

12/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Auckland Rifles

13/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Auckland Mounted Rifles

14/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Army Service Corps Divisional Train

15/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force New Zealand Expeditionary Force Headquarters Staff

15/ - West Yorkshire Regiment 15th (Leeds Pals) Battalion

16/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Maori Battalion

17/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force New Zealand Veterinary Corps

18/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force New Zealand Chaplains Department

19/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Samoan Relief Force, Infantry

2/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Royal New Zealand Artillery

20/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Samoan Relief Force, Mounted Rifles

21/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force New Zealand Army Pay Corps

22/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force New Zealand Nursing Service

23/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force 1st Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade

24/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force 2nd Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade

25/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force 3rd Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade

26/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force 4th Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade

3/ - Seaforth Highlanders 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

3/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force New Zealand Medical Corps

3/ - Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

3/ - Royal Berkshire Regiment 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

3/ - Gordon Highlanders 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

3/ - Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

3/ - Royal Highlanders 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

3/ - Cameron Highlanders 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

4/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force New Zealand Engineers

4/ - Royal Irish Rifles 4th (Extra Reserve) Battalion

5/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force New Zealand Army Service Corps

5/ - Connaught Rangers 5th (Service) Battalion

6/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Canterbury Infantry

7/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Canterbury Mounted Rifles

8/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Otago Rifles

9/ - New Zealand Expeditionary Force Otago Mounted Rifles

A - Army Service Corps Old Army Special Reserve

A - King's Royal Rifle Corps Early wartime recruits

A - Royal Scots Fusiliers 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

A - King's Own Scottish Borderers 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

A - Highland Light Infantry 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

A - Scottish Rifles 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

A - Army Ordnance Corps

A - Royal Fleet Reserve First period of enlistment

A - Royal Navy Alexandria (WW2 Only)

A - Australia Silver War Badge Prefix

A (HT) - Army Service Corps Horse Transport Special Reserve

AA - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Anti-Aircraft

ARMR - Army Ordnance Corps Armourer

ASE - Army Service Corps

ASR - Army Service Corps

B - Royal Fusiliers 26th (Banker's) Battalion

B - Royal Fleet Reserve Second Period of Enlistment

B - King's Royal Rifle Corps

B - Highland Light Infantry Service No. 21000 onwards all ex-RA / Cavalry

B - Highland Light Infantry 4th (Special Reserve) Battalion

B - Scottish Rifles 4th (Special Reserve) Battalion

B - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Bristol Division

B - Unknown Silver War Badge Prefix

B - Army Service Corps Special Reserve

B (HT) - Army Service Corps Horse Transport Special Reserve TF

BZ - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Bristol Division wartime enlistment

C - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Clyde Division

C - King's Royal Rifle Corps 16th Battalion onwards enlistment

C - Royal Fleet Reserve 3rd Period of Enlistment

C - Royal Munster Fusiliers 1st Garrison Battalion

C - Middlesex Regiment

C - Rifle Brigade

C - Royal Fleet Reserve Chatham

C - Royal Navy Chatham

C (MT) - Army Service Corps Mechanical Transport Special Reserve

CAT - Army Service Corps Caterpillar Mechanical Transport

CH - Royal Marines Chatham Division Royal Marine Light Infantry

CH - Royal Fleet Reserve Chatham

CH/RMP - Royal Marine Police Chatham

CHT - Army Service Corps Corps of Horse Transport

CMT - Army Service Corps Corps of Motor Transport

CZ - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Clyde Division wartime enlsitment

D - Dragoons

D - Royal Fleet Reserve Devonport

D - Royal Navy Devonport

DEAL - Royal Marines Deal Depot

DEPOT / D - Royal Marine Light Infantry Deal Depot Permanent Staff

DEV - Royal Fleet Reserve Devonport

DM2 - Army Service Corps Mechanical Transport Learners, discontinued 11/16

E - Royal Fusiliers 17th (Empire) Battalion

E - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Birmingham Electrical Volunteers

E - Army Service Corps Forage (ordinary rates of army pay)

EX - Royal Marines Exton Division (WW2 Only)

F - Middlesex Regiment 17th & 23rd (Football) Battalions

F - Royal Naval Air Service

F - Army Service Corps Forage (not paid from Army Funds)

F - Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm

FAA - Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (WW2 Only)

G - Royal Irish Fusiliers 1st, 2nd 3rd (Garrison) Battalion

G - Home Counties Regiments New Army men and later

GOA - Royal Navy Goa

GS - British Army General Service Enlistment

GSR - Royal Sussex Regiment Special Reserve, enlisted under hostilities only terms

GSSR - Royal Sussex Regiment Special Reserve, enlisted under hostilities only terms

H - Hussars

H - Hussars

H - North irish Horse Given to all on strength in mid-1917

I - India Silver War Badge Prefix

J - Royal Navy Seaman branch Prefix

J - Royal Fusiliers 38th, 39th 40th, 42nd (Judean) Battalions

J - Royal Navy Seamen and Communications

K - "Kitchener battalion"???

K - Royal Navy Stokers

K - Royal Fusiliers 22nd (Kensington) Battalion

K - Royal Navy Stokers and Mechanicians

KP - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Crystal Palace Enlistment from Kitchener's New Armies

KW - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Crystal Palace Enlistment from Kitchener's New Armies

KX - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Crystal Palace Enlistment from Kitchener's New Armies

L - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve London Division

L - Lancers

L - Home Counties Regiments Regulars

L - Royal Artillery Wartime enlistment

L - South Wales Borderers 3rd (Reserve) Battalion

L - Lancers

L - Royal Navy Officers' Stewards, some Officers' Cooks

L - Royal Navy Lee-on-Solent (FAA)

LSR - Royal Sussex Regiment Special Reserve, enlisted under regular terms

LT - Royal Navy Lowestoft (WW2 Only)

LT - Royal Navy Lowestoft (WW2 Only)

LZ - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve London Division wartime enlistment

M - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Mersey Division

M - Army Service Corps Mechanical Transport

M - Royal Navy Miscellaneous enlistments (e.g. writers etc.)

M - Royal Navy Others -Artificers, Electrical, Supply etc

M1 & 2/(SR) - Army Service Corps Enlisted Special Reserve for New Armies

M1, 2 - Army Service Corps Mechanical Transport

MALTA - Royal Navy Malta

MB - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Motor Boat Reserve

MC - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Mine Clearance Service

MN - Merchant Navy Silver War Badge Prefix

MS - Army Service Corps Mechanical Specials

MZ - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Mersey Division wartime enlistment

N - Royal Army Medical Corps

N - Royal Navy NAAFI staff (WW2 Only)

NZ - New Zealand Silver War Badge Prefix

O - Rifle Brigade

O - Unknown Silver War Badge Prefix

P - Military Foot Police Police

P - Royal Fleet Reserve Portsmouth

P - Royal Navy Portsmouth

P - Dragoon Guards

PET - Army Service Corps Petroleum Dept

PLY - Royal Marines Plymouth Division RMLI

PLY/RMP - Royal Marine Police Plymouth

PO - Royal Marines Portsmouth Division RMLI

PO - Royal Fleet Reserve Portsmouth

PO/RMP - Royal Marine Police Portsmouth

Prefix Unit Designation

PS - Royal Fusiliers 18th, 19th, 20th & 21st (Public Schools) Battalions

PS - Middlesex Regiment 16th (Public Schools) Battalion

PW - Middlesex Regiment 18th, 19th & 26th (Public Works) Battalions

PZ - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Crystal Palace Enlistment from civilian life

R Royal Navy Rosyth (WW2 Only)

R - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Royal Naval Division

R - Army Service Corps Remounts

R - King's Royal Rifle Corps Later recruits up to 16th Battalion

R - Army Service Corps Army Remount Section

R4, RX4 - Army Service Corps 1st/2nd/3rd/4th New Armies Remounts

RAF - Royal Air Force Silver War Badge Prefix

RM - Royal Marines Silver War Badge Prefix

RMA - Royal Marines Royal Marine Artillery

RMB - Royal Marines Royal Marine Band

RME - Royal Marines Royal Marine Engineers

RN - Royal Navy Silver War Badge Prefix

RS & R/TS - Army Service Corps Remount Specials

RX - Army Service Corps Army Remount Section

S - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Sussex Division

S - Army Service Corps Supply Branch

S - Scottish Regiments Wartime Enlistment

S - Army Service Corps Supply Branch

S - Royal Army Medical Corps

S - Royal Artillery

S - Highland Regiments Wartime Enlistment

S - Home Counties Regiments 3rd Battalion

S - Rifle Brigade

S - Royal Munster Fusiliers

S - Army Ordnance Corps

S - Dorset Regiment

S1, 2, 3, 4 - Army Service Corps 1st/2nd/3rd/4th New Armies Supply (S4 Labour)

SA - South Africa Silver War Badge Prefix

SD - Sussex Regiment 11th, 12th & 13th (South Downs) Battalions

SE - Army Veterinary Corps 9th Section

SF - Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (Short Service)

SK - Royal Navy Stokers (Short Service)

SM - Royal Navy Miscellaneous (Short Service)

SPTS Royal Fusiliers 23rd & 24th (Sportman) Battalions

SR - British Army Special Reserve ?

SRMT - Army Service Corps Special Reserve Motor Transport

SS - Army Service Corps Supply Specials

SS - Royal Navy Seamen and Communications (Short Service)

STK - Royal Fusiliers 10th (Stockbroker's) Battalion

SWS - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Shore Wireless Service

SZ - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Sussex Division wartime enlistment

T - Army Service Corps Horse Transport

T - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Tyne Division

T - Army Ordnance Corps

T - Territorial Force

T1 & 2/(SR) - Army Service Corps Enlisted Special Reserve for New Armies

T1, 2, 3, 4 - Army Service Corps 1st/2nd/3rd/4th New Armies Horse Transport

TF - Territorial Force

TS - Army Service Corps Transport Specials

TT - Army Veterinary Corps Territorial Force ?

TZ - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Tyne Division wartime enlistment

W - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Wales Division

W - Cheshire Regiment 13th (Wirral) Battalion

W - Royal Artillery 38th (Welsh) Division

WR - Royal Engineers Waterways and Railways

WT4 - Army Service Corps Welsh ?????

WZ - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Wales Division wartim enlistment

Y - Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Deferred enlistment (replaced by divisional prefix on actual enlistment)

Y - King's Royal Rifle Corps Early wartime enlistment

Z - Rifle Brigade

  • 3 weeks later...

I was interested to see Alex's prefix list. As a collector of Silver War Badges, I would be interested to know if you can confirm the 'RM' and 'MN' prefix for Royal Marines and Merchant Navy respectively? I am aware of the 'MS' prefix for a very small number of SWB's (approx. 160) issued to the Mercantile Marine but I think that most fell under the jurisdiction of the Royal Navy and were consequently issued with 'RN' prefix badges.

For your information, I can also confirm 'N' prefix SWB's for Newfoundland.

Best wishes



Thanks Ed for the Newfoundland prefix.

I've never seen a RM / MN, badge so I can't confirm or deny their existence, maybe someone else has one in their collection. If anyone has a RM badge I'd be interested to see a scan of it, and any details of the recipient.



  • 2 years later...

Hi everybody.

I am a new member researching my family tree. It would appear that 3 of my great uncles served in the ASC. they were James Montague Threadwell ( S4 / 125268 ), Sydney John Threadwell ( M2 / 270455 ) and Arthur Cyril Threadwell ( T4 / 07764 ) Can anyone help me identify which units they were in. I know that Arthur was in France and James in Egypt. Also can anyone tell me what the prefixes S4, M2 and T4 stand for.


Welcome to the Forum, Threadwell

The M, S and T prefixes tell us the trade group in which you uncles were employed.

S stands for Supply, M stands for Mechanical Transport (i.e. vehicles) and T represents horse transport. The nubmer which follows indicates that the individuals was enlisted at the tiem the 4 new armes were being established, M2 relates to the MT support to the 2nd New Army; T4 and S4 means that there were (initally) in Horse Transport or Supply units supporting the 4th Army.

The Long Long trail website will give more info on the formation of those Armies. Units however were switched between formations and individual between untis so it is highly likely that they may have served in a number of units

Realise that this raises as many questions as it answers so please come back


  • 7 years later...

I see its been a few years, but can I try and revive this thread and ask....

With regards to ASC prefixes, I have seen some examples, of A (Clerks), but believe that at some point A became B, and E (workmen) became A. Can anyone shine any light on how I could tell an A (Clerk) from an A (workman).


As there hasn't been much work done on researching the EFC, I suspect the only definitive way to know would be to find the soldier's service record.

All the best,



I feared that might be the case Gary. Strange why they decided to do it like that anyway?

  • 3 years later...

During my research into my Grandfathers ASC MT Company, particularly looking for other men who served alongside him, I compiled a list of ASC numbers and some details of each man. I was puzzled by the different variants of MT numbering and began to try and make some sense of them. Once I started  I realised that this was going to be a difficult and time consuming task, so I decided I would ask for help from forum pals with a similar interest.


Mechanical Transport first M series


Original Mechanical Transport Company numbers from the first MT Companies created in the early 1900s. According to ‘Army Service Corps 1902 – 1918’ by Michael Young (P13) the MT section of the ASC was authorised 1st April 1902 and there were two MT Companies  created 1st April 1903 the first being 77 MT Company ASC.


Examples with service records:
M/20719 M.S.M. Alfred George Woodhams, original member of the first 77 MT Coy mentioned in Michael  Young’s book, entered theatre (1) France 14th August 1914.
M/23018 a/Sgt William Crummett, attested Beverley 3rd April 1905, transferred to reserve 2nd April 1908, Mobilised Aldershot 7th August 1914, entered theatre (1) France 3rd November 1917.
M/27009 Cpl. William John Bullock, attested Swindon 2nd August 1908 entered theatre (1) France 13th August 1914.


MIC only:
M/17796 MS (WOI) Charles blakley  Neal (lowest number found)
M/36422 a/CSM C H Williams MID LG 29/5/1917 (highest number)


2 questions on these numbers:


1. Was there one set of numbers for the ASC at this time but with a different prefix for horse transport (T)?
2. When did they stop allocating these numbers (the M1 series begins at the start of September 1914).


More on the MS and CMT series to follow.

9 minutes ago, Gardenerbill said:

I was puzzled by the different variants of MT numbering and began to try and make some sense of them. Once I started  I realised that this was going to be a difficult and time consuming task



Quite a task.

Good luck with it.

Sorry... Don't know the answers to your starter questions.

I fear I may not be much help with the bonus questions either.

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