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1st Bn. Gloucestershire Regt

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Thetford Grammar School Old Boy Lance Corporal Stanley Sudbury 22087 1st Bn. Gloucestershire Regt died on 20 August 1916 and was buried in the Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval.

Does anyone know what the Gloucesters were doing that day or just before? I suppose that Stanley could have died of wounds suffered earlier (I have no access to Soldiers Died).

As always most grateful for any help.

Best wishes,




SDGW has Lance Corporal Sudbury as being KIA on 20/8/16.

Regards Doug


Hi David

Quoting from "The Gloucestershire Regiment in the War 1914 - 1918"

................ The 1st Gloucesters remained out of line at Millencourt until 15th August. On that date, however, they paraded at 6.30 am and, marching via south of Albert and Becourt Wood, reached Railway Copse, relieving a battalion of the 34th Divisiion. This copse was a collection of old German trenches in the valley north-east of Fricourt, about half-way between that village and Mametz Wood But only one night was spent here, for next day the battalion re-traced their steps and bivouacked in a dirty orchard named Black Wood, just east of the Albert - Becourt Wood road. Here the battalion remained until the 20th. The previous dat orders had been received to relieve the Northants of the 2nd Brigade in the line roughly north west of Bazentin-le-Petit. The Gloucesters set out to carry out the relief at 1 pm on the 20th, but en route were stopped and assembled in Mametz Wood and given fresh orders to relieve 2/60th Rifles (who had suffered seriously) on the right of the line immediately west of High Wood. The Welch should have relieved the Rifles but the Gloucesters, being ahead of the former, were switched from left to the right of the line.

The trenches taken over by the Gloucesters were, to say the least of it, extremely awkward: they had not been reconnoitred and the relief was difficult. The line began on the right with a small redoubt, about 200 yards from the west side of High Wood, running thence for 100 yards just south of the Flers - Bazentin-le-Petir road where it crossed the road and ran north west. Towards the left of this line a long sap ran forward towards the enemy: this sap was held by a platoon.

The Germans held High Wood to a depth of about 200 yards from the northern end, on the western side. Their forward trench ran diagonally across the wood so that on its eastern side they held its whole depth. The ground between the right of the Gloucesters front line and the wood was unocupied be either side.

Three hundred yards in the rear of the Gloucesters front line a trench ran from the wood roughly parallel with the front line trench: this was occupied by C Company. On the right, the trench entered the wood and there became our foremost line and was held by troops of a neighbouring Division, on its left it faded away to nothing.

Battalion HQ were in a sunken road, called Mill Street, running northward past a ruined windmill: D Company were also in this road. B Company ocupied various small shelters and trenches between Mill Street and the front line.

The dispositions of companies are given in full because the Gloucesters, remaining here until the morning of the early morning of the 28th August, were subjected to concentrated shell-fire such as the battalion had not experienced during the whole period of the War to that date .......................

SDGW states that Stanley (born and enlisted in Nottingham) was Killed in Action on 20th August.

Hope this helps



Doug & Jimmy,

Very helpful. Thank you.

Best wishes,


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