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13th Btn Rifle Brigade - Jan 1918

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I am trying to find out about the location of the 13th Btn Rifle Brigade in January 1918. I know they were attached to the 11th Brigade, 37th Division. Other than that I know nothing.

My Great Grandfather was in the 13th Btn and is named on the Tyne Cot Memorial as having died on 10 January 1918. Often soliders died a few days earlier than there official death date. Every source I read seems to suggest the war went quiet between Nov 1917 and Apr 1918. Obviously this is not so.

I've contacted the PRO in the hope of his service record and the Green Jackets museum can't really help. Can you?


Hello Mike

I have the 13/RB war diary for January 1918 and will look up and post when I get in from work.

By the way, what was your GGrandfather called? The 13/RB diary lists a large number of wounded and killed ORs.




You're a star!

My Great Grandfather was Corporal Edward Wines S/21897.

Anything you have will be fantastic!




You would'nt happen to have the diary for 1917 by any chance.My great uncle was killed on the 28th July 1917, and any info would be appreciated.



Sorry Kilty,

I've only got the diary for January - End August 1918.



Did you know there was a history of this battalion? It is called For The Duration; I don't have my copy to hand, but if you email me I will fish it out and see if there is anything. I suspect N&MP will reprint it at some point - perhaps they already have?


Hello Mike

Here is the 13?RB diary for January 1918:

1st January 1918


The Battalion Xmas dinner was held in the Cinema Hall at LOCRE

1st January – 5th January


The Battalion was in CURRAGH CAMP. Large working parties were found daily for work on the reserve line. A raiding party of 4 officers and 70 O.R. was trained.

5th/6th January


The Battalion relieved the 11th Bn. Royal Warwickshire Regt., in BULGAR and BITTER WOODS. From the 6th to the 8th much patrolling was carried out preparatory to the raid which took place on the 9th/10th Jan.

9th/10th January


The Battalion carried out a successful raid on some enemy dug-outs. Although no identification was secured, severe casualties are known to have been inflicted. Our casualties were 1 officer and 2 men wounded, and 3 men missing.

Throughout this tour in the line the weather was exceptionally bad.

11th/12th January

The Battalion was relieved and proceeded by light railway to RIDGEWOOD CAMP. The Battalion moved by train to ZEELINGHE , and marched to rest billets in LA SABLONIERE (?) During the rest period, extensive training was carried out.

31st January

The Battalion sports were held on this date.

I know that it is not much detail, but certainly better than nothing

Best regs




Thank you very much.

At last I've got an idea where he was and where to carry on looking. Now all I've got to do is find out where Bulgar and Bitter Woods are/were. Mind you, thought I'd never get past his Tyne Cot Memorial. I take it he wasn't listed in the diary?

Thanks again


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