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64th Infantry Brigade MG Company

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One of the local men I’m researching was part of 64th Infantry Brigade Machine Gun Company on July 1st 1916. A letter written by him on the evening before the battle states that he was ‘going forward with the first attacking battalion’ the next morning. The battalion war diary for his unit states that:

‘The company was divided into two halves. The first half company advanced in rear of the two assaulting battalions, and the rear half company advanced in the rear of the two supporting battalions…’

Am I right in thinking that the four battalions involved were 1st Battalion East Yorkshires, 9th and 10th Battalions King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, and 15th Battalion Durham Light Infantry [ probably way off course :( ], and if so can anyone tell me which of these were the ‘two assaulting battalions.’

Regards - Sue


I've had the same problem researching an MG Coy (you presumably meant Coy rather than Bn WD). Because the MG coys were spread out amongst the batalions of the parent brigade it is essential to look them up. Finding the Btns of the Brigade is easy - courtesy of this site. Then it's a trip to the PRO (unless yuou can find anyone with all the info), I spent time looking up the relevant inf btn WDs AND Bde WD AND Div WD - all of which quite often mention the relevant MG Coy.

good luck



Actually I was hoping to cut a few corners :) ! I was at the PRO yesterday, and having had a look at 64 Inf. Bde MG Coy. war diary, tried in vain to get the Brigade diary, but for some reason if failed to appear on the counter before I wanted to go home! Hence the appeal. Thanks anyway - there'll be another day and another attempt!

Regards - Sue


The two bns involved in the attack were the 9th KOYL and 10th KOYLI the two supporting bns were the 15th Durhams and 1st East Yorks- from Wyrall page 138 'The East Yorkshire Regimentin the Great War.




The 1st East Yorks war diary for this period is on The Long, Long Trail. Click here to see it. It even tells you how the MG Company deployed. How's that for service? B)



Thanks so much for confirming the battalions and their order. Trying the short cut method has worked :)


Thanks for pointing out the 1st East Yorks BWD - these 'North of the Wash' diaries are a bit foreign to me :lol: The MGC officer concerned only just about made it over the parapet, and never saw the Sunken Road that day.

Another piece in the jig-saw

Regards - Sue

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