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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Colonel Edwards


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Dear All,

Can anyone help me in trying to find the LG citation for Col. Edwards WW1 DSO?

The only information I can give is that he was CO of one of the columns sent up the Pinega Rive as part of the North Russia Expeditionary Force in March 1919.

Best regards,

George Major.

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George, as mentioned before, there were no fewer than 20 DSOs awarded to Edwards' after 1st january 1916, plus a few before. The only reference I can find in O'Moore Creagh's work is to G Maitland Edwards - is there no way you can find an initial?

There are 9 who, either by premature death, or service (RN, RAMC, etc) we could exclude. Of the others, none are particularly clear, and only G Maitland mentions any Russian service at all.

Tough call, this, but without an initial I suspect it's going to be like finding hen's teeth!

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Dear Steven,

Thanks for noticing again.

I confess that I was unsuccessful in narrowing Col. Edwards any further and so I thought I'd do a new topic!

Best wishes and thanks.


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