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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

L./ SJT R Brooker MM


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I’m currently researching my Great Grandfather L./ SJT Reuben Brooker MM, No 12035 of the 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards. I know his MM was gazetted in January of 1918 so I assume he won it in the latter half of 1917, but I know nothing about where or why he was awarded it. If any one could shed some light on this or know anything about his service history or the whereabouts of the 3rd Battalion at the time it would be most appreciated.

Thank You

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Hi there,

If you look at this link their war diary is available to download at the National Archives. Looking at it it seems to have been condensed into 3 documents. Each one costs £3.50 to download.


This is his Medal Index Card if you don't have this already:



One should list his MM award, but it will only provide scant details.

I'm afraid that, unless there is direct evidence of you relatives award mentioned in the diary, you will probably never know why the MM was awarded. The reason for this is because so many were awarded in WWI.

The Guards Division were heavily involved in Messines, Pilckem Ridge, 1st Passchendaele and Cambrai in 1917. If the award was gazetted in January 1918 I would suggest he either won it in October or December of that year.

See this link:


There are a few coldstream experts on this site so hopefully someone else will be able to help you.


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You may find record of his MM on his Service Records. Regardless of that you can find out about the rest of his career from these. The vast majority of WW1 Guards Service Records survived the fate of the other Regiments records that got burnt during the Blitz.

You can write to the Guards Archive at:

Coldstream Guards Archives

Wellington Barracks

Birdcage Walk



and request his Service Record. I believe a fee (around £30) applies, though some of the Guards Regiments don't charge but accept donations.

If his records don't have details of his M.M. then your other chance is to review the local (to him and/or his family) newspapers of the time for reference to his medal. There is often a short article on M.M. winners that may include a summary of his deeds.


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"I'm afraid that, unless there is direct evidence of you relatives award mentioned in the diary, you will probably never know why the MM was awarded. The reason for this is because so many were awarded in WWI.

The Guards Division were heavily involved in Messines, Pilckem Ridge, 1st Passchendaele and Cambrai in 1917. If the award was gazetted in January 1918 I would suggest he either won it in October or December of that year."

Nothing at all mentioned in the war diary - its pretty poor compared to other Btns

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"but I know nothing about where or why he was awarded it. If any one could shed some light on this "




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Thanks for taking the time to help. I’ve contacted the Coldstream Guards Archive and they have sent me his service records. I’ve also obtained the battalions war diary, but as Coldstreamer says there not very informative. Thanks Coldstreamer for doing the lookup it’s much appreciated and has given me a place to start looking. I’ve been able to use the information to find a first hand account of his actions that won the MM and a picture of him in uniform posing with the medal, which I assume was taken not long after it was awarded.


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