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Does anyone know whether or not the census produced as a result of the National Registration Act of 1915 still exists and if so is it available? If it does this would provide some useful info on the occupation of men not already enlisted.

this is a link:





I cannot claim to have heard of this to be honest, however from what I do know of my own researches I would think that any such census will be goverened by the 100-year rule - i.e. will not be available for public viewing until 1st Jan 2015.



Does anyone know whether or not the census produced as a result of the National Registration Act of 1915 still exists and if so is it available? If it does this would provide some useful info on the occupation of men not already enlisted.

this is a link:





Yes, I did wonder that myself. Guess we'll have to wait then.



There is something about this at this link. But it does not help much I’m afraid.




As I stated at the time, the registers produced under the act were local and not national, with no single document produced.

As they were not covered by the 1958 Act, I suppose it's up to whoever holds any surviving documents as to whether they are disclosed. An interesting question. Must look a little deeper into this.


Well possibly some good news. I emailed the NA and asked the question and got the following:

"I have searched our catalogue using the keyword ......National Registration Act .... and have found the following references:

HO 45/10784/286162 CHANNEL ISLANDS - GENERAL: National Registration Act, 1915; its application to the Channel Islands. 1915 - 1919

HO 45/10784/286162 WAR: National Registration Act, 1915. 1915 - 1919

MH Records created or inherited by the Ministry of Health and successors, Local Government Boards and related bodies 1798-2001

MH 10/194 National Registration Act 1915 1915 Jul - 1920 Jan

MT 23/430 National Registration Act 1915. Crews of Colliers, Oilers, etc. 1915

RG 19/51 National Registration Act 1915

RG 28 General Register Office: National Registration: Correspondence and Papers 1915-1969 "

So a trip to Kew may be in order to see what in these records.



I would think as this was not a 'real' census and, of course, was only intended to clarify the numbers of those eligible to serve, if it still survives it will probably be an open document.



Don't know if this is already covered by the Long, Long Trail, but the National Registration Act Groupings of 1915 for male occupations were;-


1 - Agriculture.

2 - Fishing.

3 - Coal Mining.

4 - Other Miners.

5 - Quarrying.

6 - Food Manufacturers.

7 - Tabacco Manufacturers.

8 - Brewers, Malters, Distillers.

9 - Explosive Substance, Explosive Article Munfacturers.

10 - Salt, Alkali & Chemical Rubber Manufacturers.

11 - India Rubber, Gutta Percha Workers.

12 - Manufacturers of Grease, Colouring Matter.

13 - Paper Manufacturers, Printing & Bookbinding.

14 - Wool & Worsted Manufacturers.

15 - Hosiery Manufacturers.

16 - Other Makers of Textile Fabrics & of Textile Articles(not articles of dress).

17 - Tanners, Leather Dressers.

18 - Furriers, Workers in Hair, Feathers, Bone.

19 - Tailors(makers, not dealers).

20 - Boot, Shoemakers(not dealers).

21 - Other Workers in Dress.

22 - Makers of Saddlery & Harness(not Metal Workers).

23 - Makers of Other Leather Goods.

24 - Engineers, Patternmakers(Wood).

25 - Other Workers in Wood.

26 - Workers in Metal.

27 - Glass Manufacturers and Glass Workers.

28 - Workers in Earth, Stone, Brick, etc.

29 - Builders, Decorators, Upholsterers.

30 - Motor Drivers.

31 - Driving & Care of Horses(Domestic).

32 - Others Engaged in Road Transit.

33 - Rialway Workers.

34 - Merchant Service Pilots.

35 - Harbour, Dock & River Workers.

36 - Telegraph, Telephone Operators, Messengers, Letter Sorters, Postmen.

37 - Others Engaged in Storage, Porterage, Messages.

38 - Banking, Finance, Insurance & Commercial Occupations.

39 - Shopkeepers & Other Retail Traders.

40 - Public Administration.

41 - Professional Service.

42 - Domestic & Personal Service.

43 - Stationary Engine Drivers, Stokers & Firemen.

44 - Unskilled & General Labourers.

45 - Other Occupations.

46 - Unoccupied Persons.

I believe that these lists were amended as the war progressed and that there was a similar list for the nations women


Yes Bernard, they are all Open documents. They were closed for 30 years only.


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