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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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Guest ukdtofi

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Hi All,

Firstly i am very new to this, but congratulations on the site, very interesting to read the old posts etc, now to my request for assistance.

As mentioned i am new to this and have only recently started looking at my ancestry, in particular my great grandfather

Frederick Thomas Fogarty

Born Ireland 1859 +/- 1

Listed in 1901 Census as

42 last B/d

private depot derbyshire regiment

his wife 25

2 sons 5 & 1

and my grandmother aged 2

are listed also

I am now stumped as to where to go.

any advice and help would be greatly recieved



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at his age I doubt any WW1 service in the field, maybe at home /in base. have you tried the regimental museum

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Thanks for the quick response guys,

Chas - No i havn't, but am i correct in thinking this is at Chillwell ??, as stated am very new at this and definately a novice at tracing records etc.

Thanks again


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Hi again,

What would i be looking at if i bought the 2 links you gave me Coldstreamer ? and is there a way of checking the details before buying these documents? apologies if that sounds a dumb question, but if not sure ask etc etc as the saying goes lol

Thanks again


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It will be well worth you clicking the link to the Long Long Trail (top left of this page) and reading the "research a soldier" section. Should tell you all you need to know about finding out what may be available (and how to interpret the stuff that coldstreamer is linking to and whether it's worth downloading them at this stage).


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Could somebody please tell me where the Derbyshire regiment or notts / derbyshire regiment records would be kept or indeed if there is a regimental museum please



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The Regimental Museum is inside the walls of Nottingham Castle. Not sure of the exact address but the postman might just find it!

I can't tell you what records are stored at the Museum. Most Regimental Museums vary wildly in their records. The Notts & Derby Musuem does have a compuerised database that is accessible at the museum, but I didn't really look into it when I was there as there was a crowd of unruly boys around it (Oops, I meant fellow distinguished Forum members).

He would have been 54 at the outbreak of WW1, so he is likely to have seen only home service if at all, therefore he wouldn't have an MIC unless discharged early from any WW1 service.

The two normal lengths of enlistment by 1900 were 12 years (7 "active", 5 on Reserve) and an extended period of 21 years. Unless he was a rather rare "lifer" then he is likely to have been discharged by the outbreak of War.

I would start your search in the Pension Records at the National Archives at Kew. These are in the Series labelled WO97. They are physical records stored in alphabetical order by surname. They are usually not all that extensive but will probably have enough information to identify him, and his service pre-war.

If he did serve during WW1 then there is a possibility that his earlier and later records would have been stored together and possibly lost in the fire that destroyed most of the WW1 records during the Blitz in WW2.

I would suggest WO97 and/or the Regimental museum as your best first ports of call.


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