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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Just wanted to share some pics

Ir0n Cr0ss

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Hello all!

Wow I can not imagine how much history my family had. These are some of the WW1 pictures I have that I got today including A LOT of World War 2/ and some WW1 pictures all from my family. I also recieved a medal from one of my relitives along with his "army passport" that he got when he joined the Army.

I am amazed with what I can find out that sooo much more people were in wars in my family than I thought.

So here we are.......



Back row , far right


He is the tallest one (seconed from the left)

Note that all my relitives were German.

Please visit my photobucket album and reply! Sorry for the bad quality!



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Hi IrOn CrOss,

fantastic photos, thanks for sharing them, it's great when you can see a family member after all this time, cheers, Jon :D

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I think we could do with more german pictures and their stories.


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Thanks Ir0n, great photos, do you have more information on your relitives that you can share with us.


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Guest KevinEndon


Whilst touching this up I couldn’t help be see the one heck of a resemblance

between the chap 5th in on the back row and the chap with the arrow above his

head in this picture. Could they be the same bloke.


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Hello Ir0n !

You have a fantastic collection of family photos - and it is so nice to see how much they are prized and appreciated. Thank you for sharing them with us.



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Thank you everyone for the cheerfull comments. I also have equipment and uniform from that person in the far left in the back on the first photo but it has to be passed down from my mother. I will look for some information. I also have some names if anyone wants to help find out.

And Kevinaka who knows maybe my relitives were in the same unit as Hitler! :o

Ill scan some more. But does anyone want me to scan the WerPaß ( Military Passport)

And I have some more pictures but from WW2, the other Great War photos are in Kaiserslautern, Germany.



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Hello again everyone,

Here are JUST the backs of the WW1 photos top to bottom:



^^(My grandparents said this damage was all done in battle during the Ypres Sailent)^^


Like I said ill put more pictures on my photobucket album later.

And can anyone look up these names. The first one you could just put the last (since that is no first name; it is Kunstler((?))


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The first one says 'Künstler Bruder US (?) Oma Johanna Zinkgraf in Frankreich 1914/18' = 'Artist brother of US (?) grandma Johanna Zinkgraf in France 1914/18'.


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The first one says 'Künstler Bruder US (?) Oma Johanna Zinkgraf in Frankreich 1914/18' = 'Artist brother of US (?) grandma Johanna Zinkgraf in France 1914/18'.


Actually it says:

Künstler (last name) Bruder us. (unserer) Oma Johanna Zinkgraf in Frankreich 1914/18= Künstler (last name), brother of our Grandma Johanna Zinkgraf in France 1914/18

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Those do look remarkably like some pictures of Hitler I've seen.

'Hitler was enrolled in the 1st Company of the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. Unofficially it was known as the 'List' Regiment, named after its original Commander, Colonel Von List...On 21 October 1914 the List Regiment entrained for the Western Front. After a two-day journey they reached Lille and were promptly attached to the 6th Bavarian Division in Crown Prince Rupprecht's VI Army. The German army was in the throes of fighting the First Ypres.'

Now you need to find out more about what regiment these are pictures of...

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Actually egbert on this part you put, "brother of our Grandma Johanna Zinkgraf in France 1914/18" That is right but it is not "our". It is Oma=Grandmother

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Iron Cross,

Thanks for sharing these.

Great to have more Germans on here.

Can you make out the number on their shoulder straps?

Please post more if you can.

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Ir0n, you are very lucky to have such a wealth of information and photos. Thanks for sharing. I like the first photo of him on his horse. Looking forward to seeing more,


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Iron Cross...have you got any...Iron Crosses?

Matter of fact I do. Well not exactly yet. If you don't believe me go to Kaiserslautern, Germany. They are still in my grandparents possesion.

Everyone just give me some time! :) Ill do every thing you asked me when I get settled

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Ir0n cross

great pictures, thanks for sharing. Let us know when you put the others onto photobucket.



the moving pictures in the avatar is an animated gif. If you would like one making PM me and we'll sort it out.

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