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Official abbreviations of some regiments

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I would like to know the official abbreviations of the following regiments. Who can help me ?

Or : is there a place to find the abbreviations of these and other regiments on line ?

I know some may seem obvious, but wanting the official abbreviations I won't take any risks.

Northumberland Fusiliers

Royal Scots Fusiliers

Royal Fusiliers

Lincolnshire Regiment

Cheshire Regiment

King's (Liverpool Scottish)

South Lancashire Regiment

Honourable Artillery Company

Worcestershire Regiment

Wiltshire Regiment

Royal Scots

Suffolk Regiment

Middlesex Regiment

Gordon Highlanders

Scottish Rifles




The following are taken from ‘Order of Battle of Divisions, Part 1’ and are said to have been taken from the 1914-1918 Army Lists;

Northumberland Fusiliers = N.F.

Royal Scots Fusiliers = R.S.F.

Royal Fusiliers = R.F.

Lincolnshire Regt. = Linc.

Cheshire Regt. = Ches.

King’s (Liverpool Scottish) = ? (the King’s Liverpool Regt. = Kings)

South Lancashire Regt. = S. Lanc.

Honourable Artillery Company = H.A.C.

Worcestershire Regt. = Worc.

Wiltshire Regt. = Wilts.

Royal Scots (Lothian Regt.) = R. Scots.

Suffolk Regt. = Suff.

Middlesex Regt. = Midd’x.

Gordon Highlanders = Gord. H.

Scottish Rifles = Sco. Rif.

Hope this helps.


Hope this helps.


Yes, of course !

I feel a lot safer now when I use them.

Thanks !




It depends on what you mean by official abbreviations. The following are as official as they get. This is the official list of abbreviations as issued to armourors in 1912. These same abbrviations should be used to mark clothing etc.

Northumberland Fusiliers-- N.F.

Royal Scots Fusiliers--S.F.

Royal Fusiliers--R.F

Lincolnshire Regiment--LIN.

Cheshire Regiment--CH.

King's (Liverpool Scottish)---LI

South Lancashire Regiment---S.L.

Honourable Artillery Company--H.A.C

Worcestershire Regiment--WR

Wiltshire Regiment---WTS

Royal Scots--R.S.

Suffolk Regiment--SK

Middlesex Regiment---MX

Gordon Highlanders---GOR

Scottish Rifles---S.R.

Joe Sweeney


...and if you're talking about the regimental abbreviations that can be found on medals, then yet another different list can be compiled.



Thanks, Joe and Dave,

I know this abbreviation thing can be complicated, but what I had in mind in the first place was the abbreviations that may have been applied on clothing.

(But with regard to that I am very well aware that if they were applied manually by the soldier himself, he may have used a personal unofficial abbreviation.)


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