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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Army Council Instructions ACIs

John Gilinsky

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From January 1, 1916 the War Office printed Army Council Instructions.

1) Where are the January 1, 1914 to December 31, 1915 ACI's? I think that they were NEVER printed, right?

2) Has anyone produced a comprehensive multi-year index to the ACI's or what is the best index to them (presumably the contemporary indexes?)?



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Prior to Jan 16 they were known as War Offcie Instructions and were printed. They can be found under WO 293 at the National Archives, Kew.

Charles M

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They're already indexed and I have copies of them all.


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Thanks Charles and Graham. Is there any way to tell us how to access ONLINE if possible a complete bibliographical record of both the War Office Instructions AND the Army Council Instructions?

Year by year presumably therefore indexed from your posts.

I think everyone would appreciate some definitive bibliographical record of these.

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Unfortunately they haven't been digitally copied for use via the internet and are only available in their original book form, which then has to be photocopied should you require something specific.


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Unfortunately they haven't been digitally copied for use via the internet and are only available in their original book form, which then has to be photocopied should you require something specific.


Okay but can you please give us the publication dates?

War Office Instructions,

London: 187? (guessing!) to early Jan 1916

Army Council Instructions

January 1916 to ....? (current?)

I can check WorldCat or Amicus or Library of Congress etc. to see who has them this side of the big pond!



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Oops!! Thought you just required info on those relating to the Great War. As far as I'm aware ACI's were printed monthly from January 1916, but can't tell you if they're still being used, although they certainly were being used during WWII. Nor can I tell you when WOI's began, but they did finish December 1915 and they too were printed monthly.

Now will they be located on that side of the pond? To be honest I have my doubts as anything you find regarding Instructions will relate to the Canadian Militia, which will differ.


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Oops!! Thought you just required info on those relating to the Great War. As far as I'm aware ACI's were printed monthly from January 1916, but can't tell you if they're still being used, although they certainly were being used during WWII. Nor can I tell you when WOI's began, but they did finish December 1915 and they too were printed monthly.

Now will they be located on that side of the pond? To be honest I have my doubts as anything you find regarding Instructions will relate to the Canadian Militia, which will differ.


Thanks for your response. Actually I have in Ottawa accessed and extensively photocopied from the Jan 1916 onwards ACI's (1916 to 1920 at least) for my research into shell shock in the CEF. These were great as they illuminated the official central British home front War Office perspective on the disposition of the CEF members into BRITISH hospitals etc....

I will try to search the online lib catalogues myself for further bibliographical data and perhaps locations(won't be surprised if some US locations and even one or two Canadian show up!).


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